South DaCola

Religion and Politics

Trust me, I am not one to come to Joel Rosenthal’s defense that often, to tell you the truth I am on the opposite side of what he says most of the time. I also think calling Stace Nelson a racist was a bit harsh, but as Joel admits, sometimes us blogger’s get things wrong;

Rather than what I “thought” I heard candidate Nelson say.

Following is what Montgomery says his recording of the event shows what Nelson actually said,

“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order, and I’ll be the latter as long as it supports the first two.”

It is an important distinction if Nelson is exclusively referring to himself.

My reaction, as Montgomery suggests is different when I read the words, but that does not alter my reaction to what my mind heard.

So what did Joel originally say?

Such xenophobic logic has no place in our political debate. Taken on its face, since Christ was a Jew, would he not meet the Nelson Republican Litmus Test? – And be denied to be a Republican?

Joel doesn’t go into detail but he is pointing out something that has often been a peeve of mine when it comes to politicians; Don’t wear your religion on your sleeve. It’s interesting that Stace thinks you have to be Republican if you are Christian or if you are Christian you should be a Republican. Maybe someone should tell Mayor Huether about Stace’s philosophy. Huether often wears his religion on his sleeve, and he is a Democrat (or at least that is his current registration).

Do I want politicians to be people of faith? Sure. But I really believe it is none of my business what they believe, I think a person’s faith is their personal business. I don’t think a politician is more qualified to lead because they either read the old testament or the new testament. I would much prefer they read a book about law or economics then the bible.

You believe in God. Great. Now tell me what you are going to do to make things better on earth for us mortals, you can discuss heaven in private with God, I have no need to be a part of that conversation. God doesn’t pave our roads, educate our children or fight our wars, tax payers do. We ultimately are the ones that tithe government, we are the congregation of this great nation.

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