“Nobody cares about me anymore since they built that public indoor pool.”

I have often chuckled at our mayor when he attributes diabetes with not having a public indoor pool. Let me clue him in, people who are not active, are not active, whether that is winter or summer.

I also get a kick out of the people who claim they need indoor swimming and tennis. If you don’t like the change of seasons in SD, I suggest you move somewhere warmer so you can enjoy these activities all year long.

So I have compiled a list, which I am sure my readers could add to, that are great ways to burn calories in the winter, and some are quite fun, and believe it or not FREE!



Ice skating

Ice Hockey

Downhill and cross-country Skiing and Snowboarding



Rock Climbing


Ice Fishing

Snow shoeing

Sn0w shoveling

Build a fort, igloo, wall or snowman

Creat a snow sculpture

Bird watching, Tracking  animals, nature walks

Play hide and seek or tag

Winter scavenger hunt

39 Thoughts on “We need a public indoor pool because ‘Gosh Darn’it’ people are getting diabetes

  1. Perhaps there can be a citywide wellness initiative that offers property tax rebates to obese individuals that agree to walk the streets of Sioux Falls and engage in code enforcement. If MMM does it right, I bet the revenue from code enforcement could even exceed the rebates given! Less diabetes and more revenue! Whee!!!

    (If anyone in city government is reading this, I’m being sarcastic.)

  2. First the city has to get the constitutional right to collect those fines, I’m just sayin . . .

  3. I get my exercise walking over to my patio door whenever I see a squirrel on it, and scare it out of the area. This happens several times a day. I don’t like the darn things, they dig the dirt out of my flower pots and eat the roots, they climb the screen on my patio, sometimes getting it open a little ways. Recently one fell off something and hit the glass part of my patio door, hitting it with a thud, and being I had my back to the door, it scared the daylights out of me.

  4. anominous on September 23, 2013 at 12:47 am said:

    Squirrels. True dat.

  5. Joan, 2 words: Pellet Gun

  6. Beer Jew on September 23, 2013 at 11:28 am said:

    Looooove bundling up in winter and taking a long walk. Everything is so quiet and the world behaves differently.

  7. anonymous on September 23, 2013 at 2:34 pm said:

    As Jonathan Ellis pointed out in yesterday’s AL, Sioux Falls is over $400 million in debt.

    SEE: Sioux Falls budgeters just hit the jackpot
    Jonathan Ellis

    When the Mayor appeared on KELO last week, he exuberantly talked about how the money could be spent.

    SEE: What Should SF Do With An Extra $10 Million?

    If he ultimately suggests that the $10 million from the Feds which is intended for the levee be spent on a $20 million public indoor pool, let’s hope it is his political undoing!!

  8. Anybody that is afraid they will get diabetes just because they can’t swim in the winter has rocks in their heads. I have adult onset diabetes, and have had it for about 15 years and hate it. I have never swam in my life. Adult onset diabetes runs in my family. My Dad had it and an aunt on my mother’s side of the family. Those are the only two that I know of, but there were probably more, especially on my Dad’s side of the family being he had 13 siblings.

  9. “Anybody that is afraid they will get diabetes just because they can’t swim in the winter has rocks in their heads.”

    Well Joan, maybe the rocks in MMM’s head is what made him run into that fence pole?

  10. Titleist on September 23, 2013 at 8:53 pm said:

    Looking forward to my community enjoying an INDOOR PUBLIC Pool.

  11. You don’t live in SF?

  12. anonymous on September 24, 2013 at 6:14 am said:

    What community are you a resident of Titleist?

  13. Johnny Roastbeef on September 24, 2013 at 9:34 am said:

    Sounds like the indoor pool at the YMCA downtown is closing.

    That makes one less indoor pool option in town.

  14. Nature Lover on September 24, 2013 at 9:44 am said:

    Well, I strongly suggest if that if those select individuals of the swimming community acquire this indoor aquatic center on the taxpayer’s dime, then in fairness, all sports deserve equal expenditures. Perhaps the next campaign should be for an indoor ski slope for those affected citizens who are unable to find an alternate activity to their liking in the warmer seasons of the year.

  15. JR – It’s been closed for quite awhile, and amazingly enough our community hasn’t collapsed.

  16. Testor15 on September 24, 2013 at 10:00 am said:

    Here ya go and go there: Indoor Ski Resort! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeMcIKnPLdA

    What else do ye need?

  17. Johnny Roastbeef on September 24, 2013 at 10:06 am said:

    Actually the Y pool isn’t closing till August 25.

    So enjoy our uncollapsed community while you still can.

  18. So it has been closed for a month? Or are you talking August 2014?

  19. Johnny Roastbeef on September 24, 2013 at 12:39 pm said:

    Your right. My bad. I read the letter they sent me wrong, was thinking it was closing next month.

    BTW I guess they are letting members use the indoor pool next door.

  20. The YWCA has a pool?

  21. anonymous on September 24, 2013 at 3:23 pm said:

    The YWCA has a large pool downtown.

    Taken directly from the YMCA website:

    YMCA members have swimming privileges in the EmBe pool located next door to the YMCA.
    Pool access starting August 25, 2013

    They also have an indoor pool at their location at 69th and Louise. (3510 W. Ralph Rogers Rd)

  22. Titleist on September 24, 2013 at 7:06 pm said:

    Brandon is also building a new 12 million dollar aquatic center.

  23. Can the swim team swim in Brandon?

  24. The way I look at it is being the Snow Fox will get more use out of it than other people, they should do some raising of a really large amount of money. DL, your comment was funny, and my developmentally disabled grandson would think so too. He thought it was really hilarious when I told him about the mayor elbow or whatever. He was in texas visiting his Dad and step mother at the time. He doesn’t like the mayor for some reason.

  25. Probably because people like your grandson have amazing BS detectors, because they have no pre-conceived notions about how people ‘should act’. He sees things ‘as is’.

  26. anonymous: “They also have an indoor pool at their location at 69th and Louise. (3510 W. Ralph Rogers Rd)”

    No they don’t. That is a daycare / preschool and it has an indoor gymnasium… no pool, no hot tubs, no sauna, no showers, locker rooms, or fitness equipment. Not sure where you heard that, but the only pool they have is a 12″ deep plastic version that sits outside and is filled with a garden hose.

    Titleist: “Brandon is also building a new 12 million dollar aquatic center.”

    Wrong. Brandon is voting on a 12.5MM bond issue to buy land, expand a park, add a parking lot, add at least five new softball diamonds, add stadium seating, new lighting, expand the existing pool, and much, much more. It isn’t a done deal and the voters haven’t even had an opportunity to vote on it yet.

    It is flat-out dishonest to suggest they will be spending 12MM on an “aquatic center” when only a fraction of the bond amount would actually go towards pool improvements/expansion. Even if it does pass, the pool will remain an outdoor-only pool.

    Honestly – where do some of you guys come up with this stuff?

  27. anonymous on September 25, 2013 at 2:52 pm said:

    Craig, the Y’s website makes it appear that there are pools at both the DT and SW locations. But, I just verified you are correct, NO pool at the SW address.

    Thank you for clarifying my error and also the misinformation from Titleist about the Brandon project.

  28. Titleist on September 25, 2013 at 11:11 pm said:

    Huron opened its’ 10M new state-of-the-art aquatic center this summer too.

  29. anonymous on September 26, 2013 at 6:17 am said:

    Huron opened an OUTDOOR aquatic center this summer.

  30. Titleist on September 26, 2013 at 7:37 am said:



    Sioux Falls.

    The Tea Party can ignore change, resist change, fight change.

    Change is coming.

  31. Titleist your shtick is getting a bit old. You’re comparisons are flawed and you are either ignorant of the facts or blatantly dishonest. I can’t really determine which, but considering you ignore posts that show you are wrong and instead double-down on the talking points and catch phrases – I’m venturing to guess it can’t be based in ignorance.

    Stop the trolling – start engaging in actual discussion based in fact for a change.

  32. Titleist on September 26, 2013 at 11:19 pm said:

    “You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.” Brian Johnson, The Breakfast Club.

    Public schools. Public pools!

  33. Titleist on September 26, 2013 at 11:23 pm said:

    “You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.” Brian Johnson, The Breakfast Club.

    Public schools. Public pools!

  34. “Public schools. Public pools!”

    We already have both. Next.

    (nice dodge when you’re caught lying though)

  35. Titleist on September 28, 2013 at 12:33 am said:



    Sioux Falls. (PUBLIC Pools. PUBLIC Schools!)

    Omaha too.

    Rochester. (Long time)



  36. anonymous on September 28, 2013 at 7:18 am said:

    You really need to do some work on your argument for a taxpayer funded indoor pool, Titleist!

    The story is in the numbers.

    All information taken directly from the City-Wide Aquatic Facilities Master Plan:

    Page 28: This is the scenario the consultant has recommended:

    Option 5: Large Indoor 50 meter by 25 yard competition pool with springboard diving and a separate 3,750 sq. ft. indoor leisure pool with current channel, and waterslide.

    Page 38:
    Large Indoor
    Project Cost $18,519,000 (this has increased to 19.4m per Director of Parks and Rec, Don Kearney-Council Work Session, July 17, 2013)


    2013: Revenue 355,823
    Expense 1,048,552
    Operating Cashflow -$692,729

    2014: Revenue 364,598
    Expense 1,074,766
    Operating Cashflow -$710,168

    2015: Revenue 373,483
    Expense 1,101,635
    Operating Cashflow -$728,152

    2016: Revenue 382,477
    Expense 1,129,176
    Operating Cashflow -$746,699

    2017: Revenue 391,582
    Expense 1,157,405
    Operating Cashflow -$765,824

  37. anonymous on September 28, 2013 at 9:13 am said:

    Titleist on 09.28.13 at 12:33 am



    Sioux Falls. (PUBLIC Pools. PUBLIC Schools!)

    Omaha too.

    Rochester. (Long time)




    Huron SD All public pools are outdoors.

    Brandon SD All public pools are outdoors.

    Omaha NE Eighteen public pools, three of which are indoor facilities.

    Rochester MN Two public outdoor pools, one indoor.

    Fargo ND Five public outdoor pools and one outdoor splash pad.

  38. Titleist on September 28, 2013 at 11:35 pm said:

    Probably should have added Urbandale, Iowa to the list. Nice indoor PUBLIC pool. Recreation. Exercise. Kids. Cardio classes. Nice PUBLIC amenity.

    Public pools. Public Schools! (Like Fargo South’s indoor PUBLIC POOL).


  39. Titleist, I would agree we probably can afford an indoor pool, but our approach is stupid. It should be with either the public schools or a private partnership at the Sanford Sports complex, but it seems they have this attitude at city hall, “All or nothing.” Even if it doesn’t really help the public that much and costs us a lot of money.

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