South DaCola

Ask ‘Mayor Meltdown’ a question

I wanted eggshell colored wallpaper not off-white!

I have been hearing a lot of gossip lately that the mayor has been micromanaging the event center’s construction, in fact, I guess it has even earned him the nickname on the worksite, ‘Mayor Meltdown’.

Not sure if he is micro managing the construction or design, but if he is, may I suggest he concentrates on more important things, like running our city.

During his latest ‘Ask the Mayor’ episode, he tells us a couple of interesting half-truths.

“When I was running for mayor, I would be campaigning Downtown, and there wasn’t a lot happening down here (sic).”


He said this after he was asked about the 2025 DT committee. While I would agree after handing out TIF’s like candy, there has been a lot of construction going on DT, but Mayor Munson and the former council really put a lot of energy and investment into DT. Once again, Huether is trying to take credit for something that has been in the works for over a decade.

Speaking of taking credit, he also comes up with this interesting response when asked about Spellerberg pool;

“The city council has asked that drawings be made up of an indoor and outdoor pool for that location (sic).”

Well, he got it partially right, they did authorize the expenditure, but it was the mayor and parks department that asked these drawings be done, and during a work session, that I attended, several councilors beat down the parks director over whether this was legal before a vote on the outdoor pool ballot issue this spring.

But of course, as usual, Mayor Meltdown will take credit, even it isn’t due.

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