8 Thoughts on “Put on some pants

  1. Testor15 on October 7, 2013 at 9:16 am said:

    “If you can afford pajama pants, you can afford pants!”

  2. Hilarious! But the sad part is “People do dress like the Walmart customers in these photos.” Don’t people have any self respect anymore!?

  3. I have seen people shopping in their pajama pants in stores other than WalMart. My opinion is that it is just plain laziness. I don’t even like when my oldest daughter and her adult daughters come to my place in their pajama pants, but my opinion doesn’t count.

  4. The best was when I worked at this place that was a secured building. We had national accounts, and you couldn’t get in the place without a passcode. Our dress code was pretty slack, t-shirt and jeans, sandals, etc. The lady who was in charge of our privacy policies, etc, wasn’t very pleasant, and I know she used to complain about me (don’t care) but one time the GM said something to me about a complaint she had about something I did, and I replied “I don’t really listen to the opinions of people who wear sweatpants to work.” The GM was a very diplomatic person, so he just smiled, and let me go on my merry way.

  5. Winston on October 7, 2013 at 9:22 pm said:

    I blame it on the Zubaz pants craze of the 90s…. Especially the Vikings ones…….

  6. The Packers ones were worse…especially when husband/wife pairs would wear them on game days.

  7. Winston on October 8, 2013 at 2:25 pm said:

    I once saw a Packers couple wear one big single pair together…. but that’s a different story for a different day….

    Go Jets!

  8. nothing says white trash like pajama pants in public. and while their at it, put on some shoes too! or at least crocs. not slippers, you losers!

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