South DaCola

The Sudden ‘Retirement’ of Argue Endorser Publisher Randell Beck

Many have asked me why I didn’t share some words about Beck’s departure. Well I have been meaning to. One reader was going to send me some ‘positives’ about his tenure, then I was going to counter.

Maybe they changed their mind.

While I do have a few positives things to say about Mr. Beck, let’s start with his AL career.

Since he has been publisher, subscriptions have plummeted. This isn’t entirely his fault, you can blame everyone from the internet to a bad sales manager to carriers that are robbing subscribers while they are on vacation. But he is in charge of the general news of the newspaper, and content has been anything but newsworthy, unless you ride a bicycle.

He also refused to accept the modern age, I think he called bloggers Nazi’s or KKK members, or something like that. I am neither, but don’t take offense. I have never looked good in uniforms or Halloween costumes.

I think where Beck lost his ‘edge’ (that I will get to in a moment) is when he wrote a hilarious parody about Dan Scott, and big bad Billy Bob Janks was gonna sue him, instead of letting this go to trial (which I am sure was advised by attorneys) Gannett settled out of court (would love to see that amount).

Beck also became cozy with local politicians, healthcare institutions and other entities that real journalists try to shy away from. He has been known to pull reporters from certain beats because cry-baby-arrogant politicians complained.

On a positive note, I always thought Beck was funny, a fine parody writer, who saw things as a cynic, I believe all those things changed when Dan Scott and Janks decided to sue a publisher over humor, well protected by the 1st Amendment. Beck also made amends with Janks before he died (how touching). Personally I would have asked for the settlement money back.

I have never met Beck, nor do I want to, I have heard enough stories about him that it doesn’t appeal to me in the least to ever be in his presence.

Not sure why Beck left, we may never know, but when you announce your retirement and a week later you are gone, that usually doesn’t mean ‘voluntary’. Maybe ‘Semi-voluntary’.

I wish him the best, the media industry is not kind, and it is probably a relief to him to get out of Gannett before the entire ship sinks.


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