South DaCola

What’s going on at the Pavilion’s Visual Arts Center? Good Question.


That was the response I basically got when I called the Box Office to ask what exhibits were going on at the VAC. If you go to the web page, they have 3 exhibits listed, two expired on October 6. If you click on upcoming exhibits they have two listed for January and February.

When I told the box office representative that nothing was listed on the website, she replies, “We have no information in our office either,” Then transferred me to the VAC, to which I talked to a person who told me they are setting up some big exhibit for this weekend.

Okay, no big deal we all get a little behind on things, but let’s review the big changes going on over at the Pavilion;

1) Development Director leaves without explanation

2) They add another CEO/President, so they have two now

3) The Visual Arts Center starts charging admission, because as they told us, they were going to bring in better art. We just are not going to tell the public or our box office employees what that art is. But thanks for the subsidy every year! Money well spent, just not on our website or IT services.

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