South DaCola

Director Cotter ‘sorta’ answers the Events Center’s ‘expandable’ question


Yesterday during the Sioux Falls city council informational meeting (hopefully the video will be up sometime today) they had another Events Center update. After the presentation councilor Staggers asked Public Works director, Mark Cotter, if the EC is being built to be expandable to 15,000 seats?

After a nervous twitch Cotter says that the east side footings have been ‘beefed up’ in case they decide to expand to approximately ‘14,000’ at the most.

First off, I thought the building was being constructed so that the seats could be just put in later, instead of knocking out a wall, and secondly, we were always told 15,000 seats NOT 14,000. Of course, councilor Entenman backs up Cotter’s explanation saying that the expansion was something that needed to change after engineering made their recommendations and those plans were not set in stone.

That isn’t quite how I remember things going down. We were told it was going to have 12,000 seats when completed with the option for a 3,000 seat expansion. No mention of ‘letting the engineers’ decide.

Can’t wait until they ask for the parking ramp to be built out there in a couple of years. I guess SF better be ready to ‘beef up’ their 5-buckle over boots, because it is going to get deep, real quick.

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