Steve Randall, City of SF Planning Staff
I rarely give props to city employees, and I can tell you I know very little about Steve Randall personally (except that he is an artist/painter), but have always admired his professionalism at public planning commission meetings. He has always helped citizens that are testifying with presentations without protest or contempt. Great public servant that I am sure will be missed.
He is retiring after 18 years with the city.
And what will his golden retirement parachute provide him each year?
Not sure, but I have always been impressed with Steve. He has always been so helpful. I guess it wouldn’t surprise me if Metli, Lloyd or some other one offered him a consulting gig, but if I was him, I would get out my brushes and 90 proof Rye Whiskey and paint the day away.
UH….. Rye Whiskey… Coors light…..Were you raised by hobos?
I’d be drinking Johnny Blue and Glenlivit 18 with scratch he’s going to make.
Johnny Blue? Are you a Hobo?
How about Macallan 25, matched with a 4-pack of Old Stock Ale and some Sevruga Caviar.
He’s picked a good time to leave. There’s gonna be some changes made at city hall if/when a new mayor is elected.
MaCallan is too much peat moss and fish eggs should always be left in the pond.. Johnny Blue is the only blended Scotch to sip but I live on a Glenlivitt 12 budget. That is until I started this NO CARB diet.
G*D DAMN carbs in everything I love.
Your’e a peat moss.
The “scratch” he is going to make is not really going to be of the glenlivet type. A common sense mayor, Gary Hanson, did away with the spiked pension system for new hires in 1993. 18 years of service will leave Randall at about a third of his base salary for a pension. Not exactly a golden parachute.
Your comments usually reflect that you are fairly well-informed.
But, where have you been for the last year? The City’s defined benefit pension plan has been vetted by outside consultants, the Mayor, his team and the Council over the course of many months.
And, UNFORTUNATELY, one of the major flaws that remains in the plan for current employees is SPIKING.
I did make one error in my above statement. I assumed unused sick leave spiking ended in 1993 under Hanson, which would have meant Randall would not have qualified. But Hanson dismantled most spiking as we knew it for guys like metli in 1997, not ’93. Employees on the roster before 1997 are still spiking the old profitable way. Therefore, if Randall had accumulated sick leave of any number of hours, then yes, he does get that sum of money added to his last years salary and then used to calculate lifetime pension payouts.
Another note upon further review. I thought Hanson ended spiking for good in 1997 for new hires, but not completely true. For 40 hour a week employees not in a union the payout cap was lowered from unlimited to 480 hours. That at least stopped the absurdity of post 1997 employees walking away with a spike of $53,654.00 like metli did, and then also used that payout added to his last years salary to figure lifetime pension payouts.
Thx Poly. Who won in FB today
DL, you should not have asked about football. Now I’m obliged to answer. Who lost? Football lost. I had a mild interest in one game yesterday. Houston at Arizona. Yesterday was Salute To The Services day. A lot was made of saluting those who serve, selling camouflage NFL gear and other stuff, which I guess is OK. I shut the TV off and walked away from the game as soon as the nfl invoked the name of Pat Tillman as a tool for their salute.
There is a lot of people involved in the Tilman death cover up that belong in jail, of course they also belong in jail for other reasons to