113Christine M Erickson_PRlr

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

CONTACT:  Christine Erickson – 605-366-5377

Sioux Falls – Representative Christine Erickson, a small business owner and stay-at-home mother, has announced her intention to enter the Sioux Falls City Council election.  Erickson will be seeking the At-Large “B” council member position.   “I have a real passion for public service and I believe at this point in my life, serving the people of Sioux Falls on the City Council is where I can be most effective,” stated Erickson.  She continued, “My campaign will center on finding the tools for the City to be competitive on economic development projects, giving our law enforcement the help they need to keep our City safe, and promoting local business of all sizes.”

Erickson will serve out her remaining one year at the South Dakota Legislature representing the people of District 11.  “My constituents deserve quality, focused representation and I plan to continue to provide them that level of service.   My legislative experience has given me a unique perspective and I hope to put that perspective to use on issues that are local and can do greater good for the people of Sioux Falls,” stated Erickson.  “If elected, my goal would be to continue to push Sioux Falls forward and build on its reputation as a great place to raise a family and conduct business,” concluded Erickson.

A Rapid City native, Erickson understands the importance of family. The daughter of an insurance company employee father and a school employee mother, Erickson grew to understand the value of hard work.  She also learned perseverance by watching her brother, Adam Vinatieri fulfill his dreams of kicking in the NFL through a tremendous amount of work.  “My family is my number one priority,” noted Erickson.  “My husband and I believe it is important to raise our family in South Dakota – close to a lot of family.  The greatest lessons I have learned have been from watching South Dakotans make a difference.  That is what I want to do for Sioux Falls on the City Council.”  Erickson and her husband, Tony, a realtor, live on the western side of Sioux Falls where they raise their three boys, Anthony, Braylon, and Charlie.

10 Thoughts on “Representative Christine Erickson to Enter City Council Race

  1. I’m trying to think of what she accomplished in the State Legislature. Help peeps.

  2. She voted the party line. Does that count?

  3. Jan Stenerud on November 21, 2013 at 10:30 am said:

    Did I mention my brother is Adam Vinatieri?

  4. Yeah, I am getting the feeling that she is a stay at home mom looking for something to do like towing the realtor/developer/Republican line for her husband.

  5. Knowing nothing about her til I read your piece, I knew from one comment she’s a republican. She’ll keep us SAFE. Conservative 101. Keep us always afraid of the big bad wolf, whether its spending as much as the rest of the world combined, or making sure SF has a half dozen SWAT vehicles.

    More here.


  6. “Oh, I forgot to mention, I am also Elvis’s seventeenth cousin four times removed….”

  7. Poly, she wants to spend taxpayer’s money wisely. LOL. Doesn’t she know you can’t be a SF CC and do that?

  8. Taxpayer on November 21, 2013 at 2:48 pm said:

    Business policy

    Excerpt: “Business competition and tax policy should be fair. …Christine supports recruiting companies of all sizes through the use of grants and incentives to ensure our tax base grows.​”

    Just what we need, another “grant and incentive” City Councilor.

  9. Tax dollars should be spent on citizen services and infrastructure. Free enterprise can take care of itself. $500 million in building permits (w/ about $300 of it not being subsidized by taxpayers) proves free enterprise and development is doing just fine, they don’t need incentives.

  10. anominous on November 21, 2013 at 4:45 pm said:

    Well, whatever.

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