South DaCola

If you are asking kids to say the pledge, put a little meaning and introspective behind it.

Is the school board having a change of heart;

Board President Doug Morrison, who was the voice on the call, said the goal was to clarify the policy revision, as well as gauge how community members feel about how the Pledge is performed at high schools.

“We represent them, so we need to get their input,” he said. “We’re looking for some hard data rather than anecdotal reports.”

Yeah, Doug, I’m sure you want to hear from the parents, that’s why you are putting this survey out AFTER the vote. Reminds of when Ms. Stehly was fighting for a sub-teacher pay increase and you hung up the phone on her after telling her you could only speak with her through correspondence through the school district’s attorney’s office. I guess violent threats from ‘patriotric Americans’ will make anyone have a change of heart? I thought as flag pledge reciting true-blue Americans we don’t give into (domestic) terrorists?

What are my feelings on the pledge? Well as I have said to many people (to make a sarcastic point) “How is making kids say the pledge any different then Obamacare? Kinda sounds like communist Russia socialism.”

Here is my feelings, and I will piggyback this off of a comment by a veteran;

Boorman said he is concerned about today’s students.

“If they don’t understand where our country has come from, if they don’t understand how we’ve gotten to where we are, if they don’t understand the high cost for freedom, then how are they going to lead our future country?” he said.

I like where Boorman is going with this, but I would like to add this. If HS students are going to be required to say the pledge, fine, but the teacher in that classroom should also give a short 3-5 minute history lesson about examples of patriotism that have happened in our country, each and everyday, before the pledge. Of course, teachers and staff will say they don’t have time to research such things, that is fine, I’m sure while Boorman is at the VFW telling old war stories, him and his buddies can come up some great patriotic lessons. I mean, if you have time to do FOX interviews and play pinnacle, you got time for a little patriotic research? Right?

My point is simple, if you are asking kids to say the pledge, put a little meaning and introspective behind it.

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