
Artists, families, and friends are welcomed this Saturday, November 9, to join us for a community dinner on the banks of the Big Sioux River at The Retreat at Pointer’s Ridge from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. We’ll be serving a potluck dinner, everyone should bring a delicious dish to pass and serve, as we share stories, catch up with friends, and otherwise enjoy the company of one another, before the cold of winter keeps us at bay.

You’ll have the opportunity to see all the progress that has been made at the retreat this past year, as you’ll have time to wander the grounds on your own or get a personal tour.

It’s a great time for your input as we continue to build this space for time and focus to pursue individual’s artistic endeavors.
An RSVP would be helpful to help plan; just reply to this email.  We’re  looking forward to seeing you Saturday!

For driving directions, see our website at:

By l3wis