South DaCola

South DaCola’s Political advocate winners and losers of 2013

Okay, I am a little bias for my choice of political advocate of the year, Theresa Stehly. But besides her victories of getting snowgates on the ballot, and the SF substitute teachers a raise (finally) she has inspired others to take up the cause. Spellerberg outdoor pool advocates and the SON folks have successfully taken out petitions this past year, with the quiet assistance of Theresa.  Ms. Stehly is South Dacola’s political advocate winner of 2013.


My political (non) advocate loser of the year, is former secretary of state employee and blogger, Pat Powers. After being forced to resign his position, because he was busted having a conflict of interest with his personal campaign consulting business, Pat continues to be the chief blogging apologist for the most corrupt of corrupt politicians, like Thune and Rounds. Keep it up Pat, I may hand you the award next year to.

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