South DaCola

Street snow plowing in Sioux Falls now done on a ‘complaint basis’


I guess it’s like how the city’s code enforcement office ‘supposedly’ operates, they don’t investigate or hand out violations until there is a complaint made;

“I think I’m getting so many calls now I’m going to have to take some motor graders out there and try to limit the amount of snow they put in people’s driveways, but certainly we need to go out and do it,” Huber said.

Maybe Huber needs to see a psychiatrist about why he is ‘hoarding’ his motor graders in the street department garages instead putting them to work? I also suggest that citizens call his department like 4-8 times in one day about the same street that needs to be plowed, like how they hand out code enforcement violations. I also suggest you don’t scoop your sidewalk until after January 1st. And if the city tries to fine you, just tell them that your sidewalk scooping budget ran out for 2013 due to the Spring ice storm, besides you have better things to spend your money on, like a wet bar in your family room or a man cave in your garage, and if the public wants to hang out there, they can, for a nominal ‘caving’ fee, but not until the man cave members have used it first.

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