Now be nice, this was done as a fundraiser for Salvation Army in SF by 605 magazine.
“We are second in weather . . . but we are trying . . . we are the ones that don’t freak out when there is snowflake blither . . .
There’s a choice were making . . . hopefully it is me this Spring, I am the one that makes Sioux Falls better . . . Not you . . . Not Greg Jamison, not the city council that rubber stamps and stomps on freedom.”
I have to keep my snark in partial check on this one and ignore the douche overload, as I see more than a few talented and downright wonderful people lending their pipes to this. That being said, couldn’t they have done this for a less hateful “charity” than the Salvation Army?
They cut greedy Huether enough that he didn’t ruin it. It’s good. I liked the female solo’s. Good voices. Salvation Army gets criticized because much of their donations goes to management. A far worse charity is United Way. Only 25% reaches the needy. The rest is management & Hawaii conferences. I’ve given to ‘The Banquet’ because it stays local and very little goes for overhead.
If the Mayor could sing, I get it. When this piece was originally done, they did it with talent and artists, which most of these people possess. Sorry – having the Mayor kind of ruins it for me as nothing against him – he’s just not talented in this area. Now if you want to throw him out of a plane and see if his shoot opens for a fundraiser – I get that.
It’s ‘chute’ but your typo made me laugh.
Shoot, chute – you get the idea!
I am Sioux Falls, I am the the world, I am the children
I am the one who make’s a brighter day so let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making, it’s Tennis or our streets
It’s true I’ll make a better day just me and I….
(Somewhere in the background Scott Hoy is going all EMO yelling “I’ll do it til’ it stops….will you please stop!”)
Using hoy! though! would have been a master stroke. The vid would have gone viral immediately.
He could’ve done a solo: “Hoy to the world, my fame has come..let earth receive a fair settlement against those evil insurance companies”
That vid would chute strait to number 1.