Now be nice, this was done as a fundraiser for Salvation Army in SF by 605 magazine.

“We are second in weather . . . but we are trying . . . we are the ones that don’t freak out when there is snowflake blither . . .

There’s a choice were making . . . hopefully it is me this Spring, I am the one that makes Sioux Falls better . . . Not you . . . Not Greg Jamison, not the city council that rubber stamps and stomps on freedom.”



By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Write your own caption”
  1. They cut greedy Huether enough that he didn’t ruin it. It’s good. I liked the female solo’s. Good voices. Salvation Army gets criticized because much of their donations goes to management. A far worse charity is United Way. Only 25% reaches the needy. The rest is management & Hawaii conferences. I’ve given to ‘The Banquet’ because it stays local and very little goes for overhead.

  2. If the Mayor could sing, I get it. When this piece was originally done, they did it with talent and artists, which most of these people possess. Sorry – having the Mayor kind of ruins it for me as nothing against him – he’s just not talented in this area. Now if you want to throw him out of a plane and see if his shoot opens for a fundraiser – I get that. 🙂

  3. I am Sioux Falls, I am the the world, I am the children
    I am the one who make’s a brighter day so let’s start giving
    There’s a choice we’re making, it’s Tennis or our streets
    It’s true I’ll make a better day just me and I….

    (Somewhere in the background Scott Hoy is going all EMO yelling “I’ll do it til’ it stops….will you please stop!”)

  4. He could’ve done a solo: “Hoy to the world, my fame has come..let earth receive a fair settlement against those evil insurance companies”

    That vid would chute strait to number 1.

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