Not sure if you know it, but the city has a webpage that lists all the peeps and bizzos that have received code enforcement violations (apparently this is more pertinent PUBLIC information then knowing TIF investors 🙁

Mr. Daily decided that he needed to educate these ‘supposed’ violators and sent them a letter explaining their rights. Not sure what the response has been, but it is intriguing, none the less.



12 Thoughts on “Dan Daily sends out letter to suspected code enforcement violators

  1. grudznick on January 16, 2014 at 9:03 pm said:

    The home rule bastages. Home rule must be repealed.

  2. WOW. I would guess a lawsuit is coming.

  3. If Dan is so concerned that the city use legal processes to enforce codes – perhaps he should busy himself with writing such a procedural guideline.

    The impression given by his continuing to simply advise against compliance is that he doesn’t believe in regulation at all – NOT that he believes in effective and proper regulation.

  4. pathloss on January 17, 2014 at 9:16 pm said:

    Citation holders are a voting block angry with how Huether has denied them access into court. The city has become Gestopo. When they break down your door & take your property without a court order (like they did Mr. Stormo) you’ll wonder what happened to your rights. Citation holders are a class with potential for a civil rights case in federal court. A civil rights case is unique in that the mayor & council can be named as defendants. Their bond doesn’t protect them and they can lose their personal wealth paying for lawyers & compensation. The Daily case has expired. He cannot be in the class but can be the prime witness for the plaintiff class.

  5. Dan Daily on January 17, 2014 at 9:44 pm said:

    Perhaps you’ll read the entire download document and see how democracy has been compromised.

    Mount Rushmore is washing away. It’s not melting snow. It’s warm tears from the eyes of the faces.

  6. OH BOY

  7. Anger is not generally an emotional state that leads to rational behavior.

  8. Testor15 on January 18, 2014 at 5:29 pm said:

    So ruf, are you speaking from experience?

  9. rufusx on January 19, 2014 at 2:52 pm said:

    Of course.

    And you?

  10. Actually, of all the irrational things Dan says on this site, I thought his letter was informative. And even if some of it may not be factually correct to the letter of the law, it certainly will get people to question if they are being treated fairly by code enforcement. I believe the compliance rate is high, because of bullying.

  11. Angry Guy on January 20, 2014 at 9:36 am said:

    So… we should all ignore city code completely and do whatever we want on our properties because Plaintiff Guy says it’s OK?

    sounds legit to me

  12. Well, the city ignored his appeals for almost 8 years, so it only seems fair.

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