
And I got an early copy!

10) My hair has stayed the same length all year long, and I didn’t receive one single haircut. Amazing.

9) Traffic lights all over Sioux Falls have changed from Green, to Yellow to Red successfully without interruption.

8) We have successfully taken millions out of the property tax rolls  in the form of TIF rebates, for stuff like Big Box Retailers, Basketball arenas, Luxury Hotels and Condos.

7) We are proud of our almost non-existent unemployment rate. We contribute it to workers in Sioux Falls holding multiple low-paying jobs and having their school children bilk the government for free meals.

6) We’ve poured a crap load of concrete by the convention center. And I mean A CRAP LOAD!*

5) Building Permits have skyrocketed, mostly on apartment buildings. Since the economy tanking, more and more people in Sioux Falls are getting forced out of the their homes or can’t afford one. But hey, we’ll set you up with an affordable apartment. Hope you have a car, because our transit system doesn’t go that far out.

4) I have successfully ignored public transit in Sioux Falls, and threw it in the council’s lap.

3) I have held more press conferences than the last 37 Sioux Falls mayors combined. Woot! Woot!

2) My BFF Randell Beck & I brought this big bikey thingy to town.

1) *I have limited my use of the word ‘crap’ to 25 times a week, down from 37 times a week in 2012.

7 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether announces his top 10 ‘Hot Dog’ list of 2013

  1. test

  2. I forgot to mention that ‘Huethering’ isn’t allowed in SF anymore.

  3. I forgot to add that ‘Huethering’ has been made illegal in SF now.

  4. Poly43 on January 30, 2014 at 5:27 pm said:

    Sadly…most of your list is quite accurate.


  5. HA! I know, and I wrote it before I saw the real list.

  6. PrairieLady on January 31, 2014 at 9:30 pm said:

    Thank you! It is way too good and true.
    “We are proud of our almost non-existent unemployment rate. We contribute it to workers in Sioux Falls holding multiple low-paying jobs”.
    2 weeks ago I got screwed over once again by my local employer and walked. What did I do? Talk to the so called the competition in Canada…bennies and more pay. Oh… and I will be working from home. No more sliding to work, no more office drama and I can make some money!!!
    Was very interesting to see the bit on KELO about Marmen(?) in SF and what one of the new employees had to say. They will train and pay well and are nice folks who seem to value their employees.
    Do I feel like a traitor? NO! Right to work and at will? OK…that works both ways. SD does nothing to protect it’s employees/citizens.
    Local government had invited and supported businesses who are low paying and exploit us. Sorry, I do not want to work in the medical or banking fields for nothing.
    Thanks for letting me do a bit of a RANT.

  7. PRO-Employee laws in SD are non-existant.

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