South DaCola

SD Dems finally have a good candidate and they have to muck it up


Just another martyr for the Democratic Party?

The South Dakota Democratic Party often baffles me in the decisions they make. They finally have a great candidate running for governor, Joe Lowe, (IMO  – they’re leading candidate on the Dem ticket) and they have to muddy the waters by digging up a primary challenger, WTH?

Democrats, it appears we are receiving our marching orders from Party Central: Vote for Susan Wismer.

Rep. Susan Wismer (D-1/Britton) announced yesterday that she is challenging Joe Lowe for the Democratic nomination for Governor. Democratic House Minority Leader Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton) introduced her at her Capitol press conference. Most of the Democrats in the Legislature stood beside her to show their support.

Don’t get me wrong, Wismer is a viable candidate, but I have never understood why the Dems like to waste talent in one race? Why not ask Wismer or Lowe to run for SOS instead (you know, the race you are kind of ignoring, the one where a scandalous current SOS is not seeking re-election, a race that will probably spit out the GOP’s Klueless Krebs as their candidate who is really just the female version of ALEC loving Gant.

I’m wondering when the Dems are going to get their poop in group, get off the Facebooks and Twitters and pick up the phone from time to time and DISCUSS STRATEGY!

What a concept!

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