South DaCola

Seems former congressional candidate Curd may have some explainin’ to do (H/T – Helga)


So this is interesting;

The swapping works like this: A donor gives the maximum to Candidate A donates to Candidate B — and in return, a donor or friend of Candidate B gives an identical amount to Candidate A.

A Daily News review of 2010 federal fundraising records found more than 20 transactions that suggest supporters of Grimm and candidates in California, South Dakota, Illinois and Virginia swapped donations totalling more than $75,000.

One set of transactions involved Grimm himself:

On March 31, 2010, Grimm and Durand each gave $2,400 to Blake Curb, a Republican making a longshot bid for Congress in South Dakota. And on the same day, Allison Bolger, an accountant in a Sioux Falls, S.D. firm headed by Curb, donated $4,800 to Grimm.

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