And the big winners are Erpenbach (over $9K and Huether (over $50K). Documents:



What I find even more interesting is the in common donors. And these are not just dead beat rich folk in town. Who says the mayor’s office doesn’t work with the city council. Besides Michelle & Huether double-teaming the termination of Owen, looks like they send their contribution letters to the same peeps;

Doug Hajek (handles a lot of legal work with bonds for the city, including the EC. Doug is married to state legislator, Anne Hajek.

Craig Lloyd (the owner of the largest development company in Sioux Falls and also the recipient of the most TIF’s in Sioux Falls)

Jeffrey Scherschligt (awarded a TIF and a taxpayer funded bulk head along the river greenway)

Dana Dykhouse (Head dude at First Premier Bank)

Michael Crane (developer and partner with Huether and his wife on projects)

Michael Bender (commercial realtor)

And the developers, attorneys & bankers don’t get what they want, yeah right.

I also viewed Rolfing & Aguliar’s financials, but did not post them. Neither raised any money in December. My guess that neither will seek re-election.

12 Thoughts on “The first Sioux Falls municipal election financials are in

  1. rufusx on January 7, 2014 at 1:54 pm said:

    Those donors should all be appointed to a committee to analyse the market opportunities for DTSF.

  2. rufusx on January 7, 2014 at 1:56 pm said:

    Think of the $$$$ that could be saved by not hiring outside consultants.

  3. I see Randell Beck gave Huether $750, but you know, when he was publisher, he was never bias towards the mayor.

  4. During the informational open discussion today, Jamison suggested that they discuss TIF applications. Either in committee or work session. Ultimately after the discussion the chair today (Karsky) said he would put it in Land Use. Anderson said he felt it should be discussed also. But guess who tried to kill it all together? Erpenbach. She felt that the council didn’t really need to revisit it. Of course, once again, Michelle was trying to be the ‘voice’ of the council. Just like how she slid in the $60,000 film projector w/o the entire council being on board.

  5. Poly43 on January 7, 2014 at 7:01 pm said:

    No surprise that these peeps have lined up at the tiffy taffy trough in one form or another. Surprised they’d endorse anything other than rubber stamps for their welfare checks? Not in the slightest.

  6. Rolfing is running.

  7. Poly43 on January 8, 2014 at 9:13 am said:

    From today’s sanford leader.

    Erpenbach said she held a fundraising party rather than sending out a mailer. She said she wanted to explain to people what her priorities would be and she wanted to hear feedback. She didn’t expect to raise as much as she did.

    Based on the list of donors to erps campaign chest, we know what her priorities will be. Same as they are now. That’s why you see the same names on hers as you do on huethers.

    Sad part is, she is supposed to represent the central district, not the likes of dykhouse and lloyd. While the majority of kids in her district get reduced or free meals in schools, she bows to her masters, the contributors to her war chest, few if any who sleep at night in the central district.

    The sanford leader could have printed some of these contributors names and amounts, but noooooo, they would rather print a full two page homage to the owner of leader, t den.

  8. I hope Lalley gargled and brushed his teeth after writing his column about Sanford. Wonder what his cut of the advertising contract with Sanford was? I loved the story about top researchers leaving Sanford for Avera in today’s paper. Kelby, ‘Research doctors are like NFL quarterbacks.’ Does this guy think about anything else besides sports? I hate it when CEO dudes use sports references. Don’t they know that if you don’t watch sports, you don’t really get it or care.

    BTW, I knew a top researcher at Sanford that left a few years back, he was on the cusp of finding a simple treatment for managing Heart Disease with medications that currently exist (he was working with Chineses and Italian doctors/researchers) when he asked Kelby for more money, he was denied.

    Research is all about politics and what is popular. Look at breast cancer, it certainly is not the #1 killer of women, but you would think it was with all the marketing. Guess what the #1 killer of women is . . . hmmm.

  9. Testor15 on January 9, 2014 at 7:19 am said:

    I had a research doctor friend who was forced out of Sioux Falls by Kelby. Doctor would not do quack science for easy “research” funding. For Kelby, it is always the look of the research versus actually accomplishing anything. His mission is to put Avera out of business, whatever it takes. Notice how they are always mentioning their ‘Christian” mission… Yea right…

  10. anominous on January 9, 2014 at 10:44 pm said:

    [..I hope Lalley gargled and brushed his teeth after writing his column about Sanford. Wonder what his cut of the advertising contract with Sanford was? ]

    Sanford is already a sponsor of his cyclocross team.

  11. Garble . . . gock . . . swisher . . . misher . . .SPIT.

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