South DaCola

This letter doesn’t even make sense

This letter to the editor is so stupid, I don’t even think it would qualify as a bad comment on my blog;

Letter: Find new audience for ‘leftist liberal writings’

Written by G. Malcolm Jameson, M.D., Yankton

I’m not quite sure what the Argus Leader’s Jonathan Ellis might have been puffing on, but his continuous leftist liberal writings suggest some obscure mind-bending malady.

He seems to find impartial discussion, supposed insider disclosures, political fairy tales and terse comments much easier to do.

Perhaps Iowa might be a more fertile field for his politics.

Okay, Doctor ‘G’, we get it, you are a Right Wing Wacko that hates liberals, but could you give us a clue as to what these ‘liberal’ writings were about? I know that Ellis has claimed to be a bit Libertarian on some issues, and I haven’t always agreed with him, but ‘Liberal’? Hardly. I wonder if Ellis crapped his pants laughing when he read this. Hopefully the letter was written on a piece of toilet paper.

If you really want to rant about a political reporter at the AL, I would have to point towards Montgomery, while he is very talented and in depth in his reporting, he tends to lean a bit right.

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