They finally had to fess up, well kinda;

“Part of the discussion was actually whether or not to put a railing here in front of the council diaz, and this is in place because there have been individuals over the years that have approached city council members during a meeting,” Sioux Falls City Council Operations Manager Jim David said.

OH MY GOD! You mean citizens are trying to interact with their elected officials! The shame! Like when Mayor Huether got into the face of a citizen in the Carnegie parking lot? Where was the citizen’s protection?

Issues at city council meetings sometimes require intense discussion and deliberation, and any interruption in this could lead to a long evening for everyone.

And that is an issue because? The founders of our country would meet for hours on end in blistering heat. This whole ‘time limit’ of a municipal government meeting is getting tiresome, and frankly, quite confusing. I cannot find anywhere in city ordinance that council meetings need to last a certain time period.

And the only councilor who actually teaches political science, let’s the cat out of the bag;

“Well, definitely, it’s going to keep people further away from the city council members, there’s not doubt about it. Let me just mention that I never thought we really had any problem in the first place,” Staggers said.

Oh, but Kermit, it is the ‘appearance’ that there is an issue, certain people in city government want people to think that they are being threatened, and by putting up this ‘fence’ they can make it look like they are having issues. Remember a ‘salesman’ cannot sell without props. Just another prop at taxpayers expense.

May I also suggest you make the (undercover) officer who is attending the meeting a little less obvious, they stick out like a sore thumb on most occasions.


I was watching the city council meeting tonight, and all of sudden I saw a corral around the podium. Do we need to make sure our councilors and mayor don’t escape for a salty snack refill or potty-breaks?

I texted a city official about it, they said, “I had nothing to do with it, but it is for safety (sic).”

Yeah, those pine wood spindles will stop a lot.

When taxpayer money is spent on scraping goose crap from a bike trail, or mowing a jogging path for the mayor’s wife, I say, what-evh. But if you seriously think some decorative spindles are going to make Carnegie Hall safer, may I suggest you drive a 1972 VW Beetle into a tornado, and test the results.

24 Thoughts on “UPDATED: Why does Carnegie Hall council chambers look like the Cracker Barrel front porch

  1. Testor15 on January 8, 2014 at 8:40 am said:

    Give me a f’n break… Those idiots at Carnegie, what will they waste money on next? Another example of the separation between those who govern and those who must obey.

    Must we bow at the alter now? The 2nd Vatican Council removed the alter rail to make the church more open.

    With the animosity building in this community toward MMM, staff and his council this fence makes sense. They are becoming afraid of their actions, causing a stir in the chambers.

    More to come…

  2. I thought Rolfing was only going to be there one term.

  3. You’ve got it all wrong – they are designed to promote proper queueing to prevent line hoppers… just like Burger King!

    But seriously they look idiotic. I’m hoping they were installed to used as a handrail for those who require them rather than a fence to keep the minions at bay. Who really knows.

    $10 to the first person who rides in on a toy horse and ties it up to that railing though.

  4. CCFlyer on January 8, 2014 at 5:12 pm said:

    It’s only a matter of time before they add barbed wire to the top.

  5. I owuld like to see somebody ride in on a toy horse and tie it to the rail. Preferably, it should be one of those I saw in the discount stores a few years ago, if I remember right, they were on wheels and whinnied. They were probably about 2-3 feet tall, and in my opinion were quite costly.

  6. “It’s only a matter of time before they add barbed wire to the top.”

    CC – That will go well with Huether’s crown of torns.

    I thought about going to Goodwill and buying a bag of used toys and taking them to a council meeting and pouring them over the railing and saying, “Here’s some toys for your playpen.”

  7. What are they trying to prevent? Attacks from toddlers and Scottish Terriers? I would like the city to hire a consultant to measure what Huether’s paranoia is costing us each year?

  8. I would like to dedicate this song to the council and mayor;

  9. DL – safety doesn’t necessarily mean safety of those behind the railing. That wouldn’t make all that much sense anyway since their desk is taller than the railing itself.

    As I mentioned before, it could be to be used as a handrail of some sort, and as far as I know there haven’t been any incidents where people stormed the council, so I doubt anyone is concerned about his or her safety. If they were – they apparently are only concerned about people who lack an inseam greater than 32″ – because by the looks of it that is all that would be required to step over the rail.

  10. Do you guys remember the Iraqi official telling the people that Iraq was winning the war and driving out the infidels while US tanks were rolling through the Baghdad.

    Did that guy relocate to SOO FOO and take up the online name of Craig?

  11. anominous on January 9, 2014 at 9:24 pm said:

    Looks like a sale barn for livestock.

  12. The Paranoia of city officials runs deep. Long before this mayor and council, a system was installed. I will not reveal how I know this but I know exactly what is there and how it works. Believe me, it’s killing me not being able to tell you As I have a big mouth you all know. The system is a bit redundant now as their are officers on site during all meetings.

    I am positive that the short fence is a visual barrier that is a warning for possible hostiles. Before it was a bit vague on when they should activate hostile guest protocol. With this handrail, there is a clear delineation where it is inappropriate for us to be. This is not to detour a guy with a gun, but people who may get a bit worked up and lose their cool.

    This railing was suggested long ago. Quite frankly I don’t blame them after reading some of the nutcase shit on this website and seeing all the shootings nationwide. Don’t be surprised if metal detectors are installed within 10 years as well.

    NO… There’s no trap doors that drops you into a shark tank or lasers.

    BTW… The county has a version of this too.

  13. Craig, LJL is correct. This was put up for ‘safety’ reasons. As he said, I am in the same boat, no more can be said about it, at least on this site. But I hope someone with some big gonads (and attorneys at their disposal) at the AL digs into this, because it looks ridiculous.

    As I have said in the past, I don’t approve of violence, and actually hate it, and when it comes to city officials, I especially don’t approve of it. These people can easily be toppled by offering the truth to citizens of their sins with words.

    Violence solves nothing.

    I also think there are certain people within city government that want the appearance that they are being threatened and their safety is endangered. I suggest the next time they feel this paranoid they do the sign of the cross, recite the pledge of allegiance while standing on their heads and serving the needy at the banquet,

  14. Testor15 on January 10, 2014 at 7:42 am said:

    “Looks like a sale barn for livestock.” In their minds, we the owners of the government are the livestock.

  15. Testor15 on January 10, 2014 at 7:48 am said:

    “BTW… The county has a version of this too.” The fence? Unless it has just been installed in the last couple of weeks, I don’t think so.

    Having a security plan, very likely.

    Secret law enforcement buttons installed? It would only be smart.

    A camera system recording the entire chamber is a good idea for security and open government is a good plan.

  16. The problem with a railing is it won’t give any of the councilmembers a chance to test our their tasers.

    You want to increase ratings on channel 16? Just tase a bro.

  17. anominous on January 10, 2014 at 9:42 am said:

    Needs more chickenwire.

  18. Testor,
    The county does not have the picket fence but does have all the other things you mentioned. Thats all I can say.

    Good one Craig
    Step over that fence and you’ll be on all 3 network news.

  19. #18 anominous on 01.10.14 at 9:42 am

    Needs more chickenwire.

    Nope,needs less chickens.

  20. LJL, they have an ordinance for that.

  21. BAAAHHHHAAuuuuuuAAAckkk BaahhhhhaUUUUccckkkk.

    Sorry got the bird flew. OOOHHHH

  22. anonymous on January 10, 2014 at 10:52 pm said:

    I’ve spent alot of time at Carnegie over the years, and never have I seen anyone approach the Mayor or the Council DURING a meeting (as Jim David, Council staff, just indicated on KELO).

    Every meeting has at least one undercover cop in attendance.

    If they were really concerned about security they should have installed the same set-up that both the county and federal courthouses utilize.

  23. Ol'BubbleGuts on January 12, 2014 at 9:02 am said:

    Bailiff whack his pee-pee!

    Playpen and toys made me giggle uncontrollably for a bit.
    Well played.


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