South DaCola

2013 Code Enforcement breakdown, Reward the Rich – Punish the Poor

You can look at the entire document here: code-numbers

By the numbers


The map is interesting. Look where most of the investigations/violations are? In the ‘older’ and ‘poorer’ neighborhoods in Sioux Falls. While the city is consistently promoting more annexation and new development, they continue to ignore the core and older neighborhoods. Sure, some of these properties are run down, but just look at the streets and curb and gutter in these neighborhoods. The city can harass the personal property owners all they want about cleaning up their properties, BUT what’s the point of fixing up a property that sits on a street that looks like it was hit by a mortar round? The properties in these neighborhoods are a reflection of the PUBLIC property in these neighborhoods. Don’t believe me? Just take a drive around the areas in these maps, and tell me the roads are not crumbling. If the city wants the residents of these neighborhoods to clean up there act, instead of sending out code enforcement goons, they should send out public works employees to work on the infrastructure.

This administration’s attitude towards zoning and code enforcement seems to be Reward the Rich, Punish the Poor.


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