South DaCola

Anne is not the only one ‘disgusted’ with the ‘crazies’


I’m surrounded by crazies! Get me out of here!

It’s about time a fellow legislator pointed out the pointless and harmful legislation being proposed in Pierre;

“The media picks up on these bills and people think about moving to South Dakota and they say, ‘Oh, crazies are out there,” Hajek said.

“I think there is legislation brought with the purpose of having a lot of discussion and having people spent a lot of time on it. It’s frivolous, but it will keep us from doing the work we’re supposed to be doing,” Hajek said.

I have often wondered where these clowns come from. I have been reading a book called ‘The Authoritarians’, (available online for free) which explains a lot about the Olsons, Wicks and Steele’s of the world.

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