UPDATE: I also see the mayor has his own photo album page on the city website. I wonder how much this block of wood cost taxpayers?

Gov_MayorPhoto (2)

The irony of the bunny questions is almost tragic.


Been there, done that.


By l3wis

23 thoughts on “UPDATE: My pet goat?”
  1. lets keep it clean folks, I was in 4-H and a championship sheep show’r, I’ve heard ALL the jokes.

  2. What some politicians are willing to do to try to attract the West River vote…. I tell yah….

  3. You can’t know how many times I have said I want pictures of politicians with goats. Thank You.

  4. “The people who ice cream probably won’t be too happy about that….”

    I happen to be watching TV tonight and saw something very disturbing in light of seeing your goat post today. A TV commercial for a 501(c)3 religious program with our fine excuse for a mayor being highlighted. The Mayor of Sioux Falls is having too much fun with animals these days. And now we are in a political season with the mayor using a religious show to assist his campaign.

    I wonder if Burnnie wants to see is tax exempt days numbered by the credit card salesman?

  5. “The people who sell ice cream probably won’t be too happy about that….”

  6. Steve Treague as “Riddles” the (christian) party clown was infinitely better entertainment.

  7. Remember the picture of the sheep and you, Detroit Lewis, very well. As I remember, you would rather show hogs, as you didn’t have to hold onto them when you showed them.

  8. Save the goat picture for a future post. Behind a sheep is just plain hilarious. Also, the trophy wood picture. Was it morning wood?

  9. Since living in SF I see many of the cigarette & Mountain Dew folks looking just like that rabbit.

  10. The mayor did not use “The BURNNIE Show” to assist his campaign. The producer contacted the mayor with a request to be on the show for the “BURNNIE for Mayor” episode. The mayor agreed and did a fantastic job.

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