
Funny how all these shows, meetings, event center tours and educational videos are popping out of city hall’s butt a month before a municipal election. I have never seen this much propaganda garbage in my life from an administration. I mean, how many times do we have to see a time lapse of the EC floor being poured?! The worst part is that you and I are paying for this.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Another Channel 16 campaign propaganda show”
  1. Gee whiz, a ‘Special Edition’ says Reid, while under budget thanks to shrinking the size sown to 12,000 from promised 15,000 capacity

  2. If you must go inside the EC, wear your hard hat. When a 300 million facility is built for 100 million, I’m assuming there’s issues. Probably design flaws, low cost materials, or inferior construction. I’ll run through there once if it’s a $10,000 dare. Otherwise, you’ll not see me there. I can find better entertainment in Minneapolis and also do some sales tax free shopping.

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