South DaCola

Citizens for Integrity latest observation at an Advocational meeting

Good grief, what do we need  to do to get these people to understand the point of our Advocational meeting problem. Wednesday night’s Kuehn Community Center meeting even surprised me. City marketing to sway a vote is illegal by state law and city code. Slam dunk simple.

The point of Citizens for Integrity is explained at the beginning of each city sponsored meeting. We are there to remind the meeting attendees we are protesting the biased presentations to be viewed. We have been through this process several times by now with only a few sessions left. The mayor has directed and the City Attorney has approved the directors presenting very biased videos on behalf of their interest groups but up until now, we never saw marketing posters to propagandize the attendees.

So imagine my surprise when I approached the door to the community center and see this sign (Buy Your Season Swim Pass Here) set in the walkway promoting the city?s swimming pools. Ok, I took a photo just because I could not believe I saw it.

Now I walked into the building entry, again imagine my surprise with an easel boasting ?Swipe and Swim Season Swim Passes Available? Were they selling passes? Well, no where I could see. Were they selling the summer fun programs to eager kids? Well, I did see a young mother with a baby but the infant may have been a bit young to care. Ok, I took pictures to document the process as I do at each event.

Also notice how Parks and Rec is going to have a Healthy Living Day event on March 29.  By the way, where is the monster pool pictured located? Is this what they plan for Spellerberg? I wonder how much illegal indoor pool discussion is going to be presented? Rest assured, I will be there, with my cameras.

As I was setting up my video camera to record the event as usual, there was a great deal of director activity at the door, strange but whatever. During my departure from the building (so I could attend the Carnegie Townhall candidate presentations) something caught my eye. I now knew what the director activity was, they realized I caught them and took pictures. They hid the posters, how stupid are these people? What else did I miss? Was there something more?

Just in case our city officials misunderstand what we have been trying to say to them each meeting, here is the text again.

Good evening, my name is Bruce Danielson, a resident Sioux Falls.

I have been active in issue and candidate campaigns for almost 50 years.  As a group of us began to watch the issue campaigns build, we saw serious issues with the way the Sioux Falls 2014 city election was being managed.

We banded together to create a new organization to help protect the ballot process for Sioux Falls voters. I was asked to be the chairman of a group you may now have heard of, Citizens for Integrity.

The City of Sioux Falls is legally allowed to only supply in written form a simple, clear language explanation of what a YES vote means and what a NO vote means. That’s it, nothing more nothing less.

The four video ballot measures being presented are not the only issues the voter must make decisions on this election. There are actually 7 ballot questions. Demand your city be forthright in legally presenting all of them to the people who are expected to vote April 8.

We wish to remind you; tonight city officials will be presenting these 4 biased advocacy videos and public pronouncements disguised as education. Thank you for being interested in the process, for being here this evening and don’t forget to vote April 8th.

We’ve been trying to save the city from possible courtroom time, but I guess you just won’t learn. You work for a salesman who is pushing everything to limits you may not want to experience. When you see our cameras, just smile. They don’t smile back.

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