South DaCola

Ice rinks closing due to warm weather? (H/T – GP)


Here we are in a record cold season and the ice rinks in Sioux Falls are being closed due to ‘warm weather’. Ellis asks a great question?

The fine people over at the parks and rec department sent out a press release this morning that says the city’s six ice rinks are shutting down for the season on Sunday because of “warm weather.”

Maybe the parks and rec department is vacationing in Palm Springs right now. It’s currently -4 right now, according to my trusty Weather Channel app. It’s going to be really warm tomorrow, at 24. Then Saturday a high of 0, followed by another high of 0 on Sunday, the day the ice rinks close because of warm weather.

Indeed, in the entire 10-day outlook, the high temperature doesn’t break the freezing mark once.

Is it warm weather? Or is it an unwillingness to spend money to keep the ice rinks open?

UPDATE: The city has sent out another press release announcing the season-ending closures. This time the release doesn’t give a reason. Must not have been in the park and rec budget to go beyond the first weekend of March.

We could ask others… OK, it reminds me of how:

Kermit Staggers asked a simple question at a recent city council meeting, don’t we have a designer or engineer employed by the city who could design something for Lyon Park instead of hiring a ‘consulting firm’? Word is, Jeff Schmidt has turned away landscape engineer applicants because they have it handled (whatever this means).

We citizens are going to pay for years for all the frosting on the cow pies located around town this mayor and council have approved. We have a subprime credit card salesman who only wants to make things look good and blame us if it does not look like he wants it to.

Look at each of his top ten list, it is opposite land of Orwellian proportions. Each of the top ten (BTW, campaigning on the city’s dime?) are the an attempt to direct our attention away from the failures of this administration by making them look like successes.

There is more, Sioux Falls are you ready for more failures to put naming rights on?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein 

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