
Not only did Huether bring lower air fares to Sioux Falls, I heard he is a direct decendent of the Wright Brothers.

Oh, KELO, how you make us chuckle, with your funny weather gadgets and your cozy relationships with the mayor, T. Denny and anybody else that is ‘Sanfordish’. A blantant 3 minute info-commercial for the Mayor and the Airport, even after Ellis wrote an article (based on factual information from Airport Board minutes) to prove that Huether is blatantly lying about his role in getting lower airfares in Sioux Falls;

When he was elected in 2010, Mayor Mike Huether said one of his top priorities was to bring down the price of airfare out of Sioux Falls.

Four years later, that’s happened, for some destinations.

The airline business has changed considerably since Mayor Mike Huether took office calling for lower fares.

And that is about all he did. The airport and it’s board are ultimately responsible for the success of lower fares, but if Huether wants to take credit by making a couple of phone calls, and KELO airs it, hook, line and sinker, so be it. Welcome to another propaganda filled election cycle in Sioux Falls, where elections are won by the highest bidder. Unless you are De Knudson . . . ouch.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on ““If people believe it, is it still a lie?””
  1. Allegiant brought in low low fares. Their prices are as low for most of their routes. Frontier came in with affordable fares but they also have lower fares for similar routes hubbies out from Denver. United & Delta kept their high fares and increase them often.
    This is another case of the mayor taking credit for someone else’s business success. If KELO reporters would get out of the news room and interview the public, they’d see the real story. I, myself, no longer cooperate with the media. They Butcher facts and turn a story around so that it makes heroes of Sanford & Huether.

  2. Well…he did storm out of KSFY because they didn’t kiss his ass well enough. I’m sure Mr. Cable had to beg his good buddy for forgiveness.

  3. Scott: Stormed out of KSFY? What was that about? Dang, I missed it. I am bummed.

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