This is something I have been suspicious about ever since the middle-of-the-night 100% cost overrun on the Phillips to the Falls project, and the $200,000 lower secondary bid for the Pavilion windows (VIDEO);

Hoyer said his question was grounded simply in a desire to see consistency in the bidding process.

“I would have made the same statement for concrete pipe,” a product not offered by his company, he said. Bidding instructions uniformly call for bid guarantees, he said, and if the county wants to waive them, “let’s not make some of us jump through the hoops and others not.”

Buthe, however, took the question as a sign of discord between the county and Myrl & Roy’s. When he became superintendent three years ago, Buthe said he found the county’s practice was to accept a low bid for asphalt and then to purchase from both Concrete Materials and Myrl & Roy’s at that price.

“My interpretation was that is not a legal way to do business,” Buthe said. He brought the matter to the deputy state’s attorney at the time, Gordy Swanson, who agreed.

“We decided the following year we would only award to the lowest bidder,” Buthe said. That was Concrete Materials. “There was some severe backlash” from Myrl & Roy’s, he added.

Since then, Myrl & Roy’s has not supplied the county. Last year, the county piggybacked on the city of Sioux Falls contract to buy asphalt from Concrete Materials because its plant was closer to where the county was doing highway work, and the savings in transportation costs exceeded the difference in Myrl & Roy’s slightly lower bid.

“That made them angry,” Buthe said.

Makes you wonder how often this happens with the city and county? Giving a bid to the ‘Preferred Contractor’ compared to the ‘lowest bidder’? Or just tweaking the RFP so that only one contractor can bid it. Would love to see the amount of tax dollars that are wasted on these types of ‘deals’.

9 Thoughts on “Is there Competitive Bids in the county and city?

  1. Get a proof reader on March 13, 2014 at 4:53 pm said:

    ARE there Competitive Bids in the county and city?

  2. 85th stuckee on March 13, 2014 at 10:15 pm said:

    Wait until they find that over the last 4 years with MMM, bid rigging will be the 25 cent word. Or should it be BID RIGGING? Maybe it’s time to do a FOIA to see what the contract documents actually hold. Oh wait, the city of Sioux Falls probably doesn’t have to follow FOIA requests — I’ll bet attorney Fiddle Faddle will have that one taken care of. Or will it be a story like Channel 16 content back in March 2013. They didn’t keep a copy of the records. Just like they didn’t record the night that Meredith Larson asked Jeff Schmitt (in a Planning Preview) if he should abstain from voting on the zoning of 85th/Minnesota. Meredith thought he had a conflict of interest due Meredith’s employment by Henry Carlson (big client is WM). Jeff said there was no conflict and not to worry about it. The video was available for about 2 days on Ch. 16, then it disappeared and was replaced by the “real”, rehearsed Planning Preview. Inquiries of the media dept, @ City Hall when asked where the video went resulted in “we don’t know what you are talking about”.

    From other posts, was it Poly that stated from the AL that Cindy Huether did no wrong in an ethics review? Why would this be any different? Maybe the State AG needs to be involved, or how about our Representative Phyllis Heinemann? Where is she in all this?

  3. rufusx on March 13, 2014 at 11:35 pm said:

    Looks to me that the only fiscal outcome here was that $$$ were SAVED by the county.

  4. pathloss on March 14, 2014 at 9:41 am said:

    Event center contracts were awarded without competitive bid process before there was a location and before citizens voted. The mayor is a multimillionaire with a palace on his own private lake. Amazing when his salary is 100k annually.

  5. rufusx on March 14, 2014 at 12:06 pm said:

    85th and pathloss – typical throw-the-kitchen-sink-at-it off topic responses – morphing into potentially slanderous personal attacks. Pathetic.

  6. Alice15 on March 14, 2014 at 2:38 pm said:

    rufusx – I think the overall concept is WHO IS keeping a watchful eye on the ethics and practices of these offices? I couldn’t tell you who is – whether there has been wrong doing or not. As a citizen, if you bring some sort of complaint or action, it is a joke. Who is protecting the every day taxpayer if you do not feel these offices are?

  7. teatime on March 14, 2014 at 6:50 pm said:

    rufusx: And here we though all along you were a concerned registered voter in the city of Sioux Falls! So what do you care about all of things you comment on that are about the city? Mind your own city’s business.

  8. rufusx on March 14, 2014 at 8:59 pm said:

    If you have evidence of a crime – it is your duty to report it. The blow hard puffery that passes for “evidence” on this site is worthless. Sorry if someone’s feelings are hurt.

    Mr. Daly, whacky as he is most times here – is the ONLY ONE posting on this site who has ever had the cajones to do ANYTHING to defend his rights.

  9. 85th stuckee on March 14, 2014 at 10:54 pm said:

    Hi Pathloss, do you suppose MMM gets the Parks Dept to spray for bugs at the palace? I’ll bet they even have a budget for mowing, gardening, sweeping the drive, and don’t forget the raking of the sandy beach, wait til the outdoor pool is built this year, or will the palace get the indoor pool if the vote doesn’t hold at Spellerberg, Just got to love it. thanks for the great comments. You rock. Rufusx not so much rock but Polka maybe.

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