South DaCola

More organizations are bailing on the Pavilion

jar and skittles decoration

The Mayor’s Awards for the Arts are moving their event from long time venue, the Belbas Theatre. I guess now the Pavilion isn’t even good enough for the mayor to hand out some trophies.


First Annual Arts BAL ~ Bringing Art to Life ~
Thursday, April 24th at 5:00 pm
TSP, Inc., 1112 N West Ave

The evening will include presentation of the 2014 Mayor’s Awards for the Arts (nominations forms available

So now arts organizations in Sioux Falls can’t even trust another art organization to present awards? What’s next? Watching the Ballet at The District? A Monet exhibit at the Empire Mall? Just how many mothballs will we need when the Pavilion closes in disgrace (imagine guessing the number of Skittles in the mason jar in 3rd grade).

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