
Oh the games our council plays (Item #11), and how easily they manipulate some of the players like Karsky;

The council voted 5-3 last week to postpone the decision until the April 1 meeting. But Councilor Dean Karsky wanted to push it back even further, giving the council time to have a less formal discussion about TIF rules before making a decision. A workshop is planned for April 10 — two days after the election, but Karsky said that was not a factor in scheduling it then.

“It’s not a political advantage or disadvantage to either (candidate),” he said.

While I agree there should be solid discussion on the topic and something ‘doable’ be put on the council agenda, Karsky couldn’t have it more wrong when he talks about political advantages. Huether and Erpenbach very much wanted this topic to go quietly in the night and die, or at least get shelved until after the election. I’m not sure what kind of carrots or candy was offered to Karsky by those two, but it must have been pretty good.

By l3wis