There should be an interesting ‘fan club’ at the meeting tonight;
Monday, March 3
MariCar Community Center
400 North Valley View RoadAt each public meeting, information regarding the specific ballot question will be presented at these times, followed by an opportunity to ask questions
Spellerberg Aquatic Center 6 to 6:30 p.m.
Snow Gates 6:30 to 6:50 p.m.
Commercial Zoning at 85th Street and Minnesota Avenue 6:50 to 7:10 p.m.
Shape Places Zoning Ordinance 7:10 to 7:30 p.m.
I was very surprised to see NONE of the MAIN organizers for SON and the Snowgates were in attendance at the first “educational” meeting!
Although, it did appear three guys representing Walmart did very quietly attend!
Big mistake on the organizers part.
It’s not over until it’s over, and that’s at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8th.
Having been in attendance myself, SON / SYN were presented and accounted for.
In no case is that your neighborhood Bruce.
I must have been at a different meeting because I saw no one who LED either initiative/referendum.
These meetings seem more like subliminal advertisement coercing citizens into an involuntary act. What’s especially troubling is both sides are paying for this road show.
So, where’s the education from the other side?
Isn’t the whole point of Bruce’s petition that citizens can do the educating?
When’s that gonna happen?
Education’s just not really needed I guess.