South DaCola

What does SF Council Candidate Kiley exactly ‘do’ for the safety council?

Rick Kiley

‘Helmets are for wussies!’

While the Argus Leader allowed council candidate Kiley to tout his government experience today;

Kiley, 60, is retired from teaching high school biology and now works as director of the South Dakota Safety Council’s motorcycle rider education program.

He’s served on a number of community boards, including the city’s Falls Community Health board, the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Interstate 229 corridor study. He’s also vice chairman of the National Association of Motorcycle Safety Administrators and served on the governor’s task force on impaired driving and roadway safety.

One has to wonder how successful he has been in those roles and may explain why he isn’t very good at answering questions saying he likes to base his decisions on ‘facts’. Sitting on several safety boards, he must know where the state sits on safety standards;

Worst States

The red rating indicates that the following states are dangerously behind in the adoption of Advocates’ optimal laws. States receive a red rating if they have fewer than 7 laws, without both primary enforcement front and rear seat belt laws.

(1) SOUTH DAKOTA Only 2 laws. Missing front and rear primary enforcement seat belt law, all-rider motorcycle helmet law, booster seat law, 6 of the 7 teen driving provisions, an ignition interlock law, a child endangerment law and an all-driver text messaging restriction.

It would seem to me, that while Mr. Kiley would like to tout all his government experience on safety councils and boards, he should probably hope that no one looks at the state’s record on traffic safety, because those ‘facts’ reveal that Mr. Kiley hasn’t been doing much except keeping a seat warm, because he surely isn’t helping us to be much safer.

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