South DaCola

Board of Ethics Hearing Videos

The entire video.

Ethics complaints filed by Citizens for Integrity against Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether and Board of Ethics Chairman Greg LaFollette were heard and dismissed on April 23, 2014.

Mr. Gregory LaFollette defended his memory loss and bad judgment in not recusing himself due to conflict of interest issues during a previous Ethics Board hearing decision process.

When his fellow board members ‘cleared’ him of ethical practices he proceeded to retake the chairmanship of panel. He was asked to recuse once again before discussion of items 2 & 3.

The second group of ethics complaints were filed against the Mayor of Sioux Falls for illegally using city resources to run for reelection, specifically the Townhall Chamber for giving a campaign speech disguised as the State of the City Address.

The Mayor did not show up. In his place, City Attorney David Pfeifle recused himself from his legal Board Of Ethics duties to be the partisan defense attorney & personal representative for the Mayor.

Pfeifle’s departure from the bench left the Board without the mandated City Attorney representation necessary for guiding the Ethics Board.

Rebecca Dunn’s testimony;

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