UPDATE: While Christine may be involved with the petition drive, it is Wendy McDonnel who is heading up the drive, NOT Christine.

113Christine M Erickson_PRlr

Soon to be newly sworn in Christine Erickson, will be starting a petition drive (referendum) to change the school start date in the SF school district to after Labor day. I guess she addressed the School Board about it in the last meeting, and they rejected her request.

It will be interesting to watch a city councilor chair a petition drive.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “UPDATE: City Councilor Elect, Erickson to start a petition drive”
  1. Hey you are back. Glad to see it.
    Why not let the kids go to school all year. LOLLLLLLLLL

  2. Helga, I kind of agree. I have felt they should go all year with like four breaks throughout the year. Think of the economic boost it would bring? Money saved in daycare and a more educated society.

  3. We lived in Colorado Springs for many years. Back in the 80’s they went to year-round school. Within a few years they returned the entire system back to the traditional nine month school year.

  4. I know that nations that send their kids to school all year long are more innovative. I don’t think that is an accident.

  5. This is the kind of thing where if you’re going to do it, you need to do it on a statewide basis. Putting the Sioux Falls schools on a 2-3 week time shift from other districts is just going to make a mess of extracurricular scheduling, etc.

    Besides, these sorts of ballots are total sops to the tourism industry. I watched it happen in Wisconsin, and few schools there were starting earlier than the week before Labor Day, even without a law in place.

  6. Wasn’t there a state law years ago to start school after Labor Day, and everyone hated it?

  7. Would school-age kids and their families rather have the last two weeks in May available for family time OR would they like to have the last two weeks in August?!

    Oh, and BTW, in a primarily AG state which would be more beneficial to the state as a whole?!

  8. Who the hell cares what farmers want? Seriously, South Dakotans need to stop pretending that just because there’s nothing to South Dakota other than Sioux Falls and Rapid City that there are millions of farmers in between whose needs must be constantly be catered to. Your farmers – who are but a small fraction of your population – are the biggest welfare queens on the planet, and then (hilariously) they all vote Republican and complain when the poors want some food stamps.

  9. Horndog, this is not about the farmers (this is only in SF), it has to do with a silly rule about having so many football practices before their first game, yes, it is about athletics.

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