In February a city fire hydrant blew up on 12th & Phillips, pouring water down the sidewalk and underneath it, pouring into businesses like Touch of Europe (still closed) and Bechtold’s Jewelry. While the city has fixed the hydrant, I see they have yet to fix the sidewalk. Obviously the dirt under the sidewalk was washed away as you can see in the below picture, the sidewalk is collapsing.


By l3wis

3 thoughts on “See if this gets fixed”
  1. Send the city citations. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. Nobody has to pay citations (courts dismiss) so harrass them like they do us. Keep them angry. Constructive civil disobedience works.

  2. They probably won’t fix it, they have more important things to spend money on, like indoor pools, indoor tennis courts, various other things that aren’t necessities.

  3. When the fire hydrant blew up it forced the base under the sidewalk to wash into the basements of the buildings. The sidewalk is sinking.

    Any guess how the city is going to stop the water from going into Bechtold’s and the TOE since the ground has been so badly disturbed?

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