South DaCola

The AL Ed Board’s secret talents revealed

They can apparently write endorsements with their heads up their asses.

The Rolfing one is classic;

While he has not initiated many proposals, he has served and led committees examining important community issues. He served on the transit task force and headed the committee studying changes in the city’s urban agriculture regulations.

We hope to see Rolfing become more of a leader on the council in a second term. He should be more confident in advancing measures to solve city problems, in working for compromise and anticipating future conflicts.

In other words, he sucks, doesn’t have knowledge of the issues and is a seat warmer, but he is a heck of a rubberstamper, and we need to keep him. Besides it only took him a year to count a couple of chickens.

Kiley come lately;

Bonita Schwan’s involvement has primarily been in the Save Our Neighborhood effort to prevent Walmart from building a store in her neighborhood.

Yup, paint her as public (city hall) enemy number one, even though she has 10 times the government experience of Kiley and has volunteered in numerous charities throughout the community, the country and the world. But who needs a goody-two shoes like that?

He has the right attitude and has educated himself on a variety of city issues.

Well if he has truly educated himself on the issues, you would think he would be able to answer a question about those issues. Not even close. “Rick, how many eyes does the mayor have?” “I will let the voters decide since I don’t have all the FACTS to answer that question.”

Michelle ‘Big Poo’ Erpenbach;

Michelle Erpenbach has been visible and effective in her first term on the Sioux Falls City Council.

Yes she has, especially when she has been shooting her mouth off scolding the rest of the council and censoring citizens for public input.

She has served as vice chairperson and chairperson of the council, clearly demonstrating strong leadership abilities.

Is it really leadership when you act like a dictator?

Her interest in the community and drive to move Sioux Falls forward have made her an effective voice for the Central District on the council.

Code for ‘handouts to the special interests’

We urge her to continue speaking out on the issues, pushing for progressive policies

Since when is non-transparent, pro-censorship government progressive?

For those who have paid attention, Michelle is a public policy train wreck.

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