And these financial reports are only reporting what has currently been spent (Documents). They can still spend more up until the election, some estimates are around $750,000.

So when people want to say how great Walmart is, put your money where your mouth is. Why is Walmart the only one giving money to ‘Build a Better Sioux Falls’?

Where are the individual contributors? LOL!

And on a different note, it looks like Walmart had to take down their huge signs. Must not have been in compliance. But hey, can’t imagine they would break any rules to get their way.


By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Walmart spends almost $400,000 on rezoning issue”
  1. Even if you supported Walmart, why would you give money when you know the company is absolutely burying the opposition without your help? Maybe Walmart’s supporters aren’t cutting checks because they’re smarter than to buy into your deeply flawed logic?

  2. I pulled up my bank account online. Walmart has more income than I do. I will support their efforts by going over and buying some fresh produce there today.

  3. All the jobs they’ll provide installing self checkouts. A place to park your junk cars & crappy trailers when they’ve outlived their useful life and it costs to much to store them or have them hauled away. A safe zone where there’s no city citations revenue harrassment. One place without a downtown chamber the city can rob funds from for TIF’s.

    Sioux Falls: A good thing going, going, sold to the guy with perfect hair.

  4. Makes me wonder where the money went. I think I received two mailings and I’ve seen a few yard signs, but that’s about it.

    Have they been buying a lot of TV and radio airtime? Either way I doubt it will matter. It isn’t like anyone doesn’t know who Walmart is and if they hated them before they probably really hate them now. If they loved them before they would have probably supported a new Walmart anywhere except across the street from them. Thus the entire concept of NIMBYism… which if we are honest is what started this entire thing.

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