South DaCola

Who is blowing smoke?


I was watching the latest addition of ‘Ask the Mayor’. He was reflecting on the latest election. Besides his normal rant about ‘bad neighbors’ ruining it for ‘good neighbors’ and his other normal rant that ‘the law protects bad neighbors’ (actually Mike, the laws protect property rights). He made an interesting comment, he said that before the election there was a lot of talk about the lack of integrity and transparency in city government, he said that it turned out to be “a bunch of smoke”.

How does that saying go? You can fool some of the people, all of the time?

I am curious what he considers ‘smoke’

  1. Investing in developments which is a question of ethics because of the conflicts of interest
  2. Using misleading ballot language prepared by the city attorney
  3. Using tax dollars to mislead the public with the use of CityLink
  4. Preparing a 17” ballot marketing piece which was not required by law

I could add more to this list, but I will have to admit, it is one thing to ‘trick’ the public into voting for certain measures and candidates using misleading language, it is entirely another thing to brag about the victory that was attained through deceptive marketing (smoking) the public.

This guy has no boundaries.

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