Before the election I warned that passing Shape Places would not force the city council to tweak the bad parts of the ordinance.

There has already been questions shot at the Planning Department as to when these tweaks would take place, no plans as of yet.

I do know that SOME councilors have asked for another review of Shape Places to shore up some of the issues with the ordinance. Hopefully today at the 4 PM informational it will be brought up in open discussion.

I was told last night that former city planner, Steve Metli was against the ordinance change and had a post about it on Facebook. He said something about beaucrats in the city planning office having to much control of planning. In other words, many of the checks and balances that have existed before have been taken out.

I wish Mr. Metli would have been more publicly vocal about Shape Places before the election, if his FB post is indeed true.

If someone is friends with him on FB, would love to see his take in the comments section.

One Thought on “Will ‘Shape Places’ be tweaked?

  1. Dan Daily on April 23, 2014 at 9:50 am said:

    It seems unusual that a former city planner has any input. It’s unethical to obstruct the present regime. Retire already. Let them destroy what you planned. It’s already to late to shape anything unless you’re another box store imposing another clone built facilitated with taxpayer TIF’s

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