South DaCola

A conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy theory


If Joe can work with this guy, he can work with anyone.

Okay, obviously some of the things I am going to say are going to be pretty crazy, and let’s face it, I really don’t think the Democratic Party in SD is this smart to cook up such a plan. But who knows?

It’s been bothering me for a while WHY the Dems wanted to put up two candidates for governor, especially since Mr. Lowe was well on his way in his campaign before the established members of the party dug a NO name (to the common voter) out of nowhere, Susan Wismer.

Don’t get me wrong, Wismer has a great resume (personally I think she should be running for SOS)* But Joe Lowe is clearly far ahead of Wismer in the polls, he has experience in virtually all levels of government, he is a former state employee, he answers questions honestly and the edge he has over Denny is that he KNOWS him, Denny was his former boss. Lowe also used to be a part of the SD GOP.

So what is my theory?

Last night when Huether was being interviewed by Brian Allen of KSFY, Allen asked Mike if he was running for governor, he avoided the question but didn’t rule it out.

So I ask, are the Dems trying to put up a sure LOSER (Wismer) against Denny so that Huether has the opportunity to slide in 2018? No question it would be much easier for a Democrat to win in 4 years since there will be no incumbents.

What disappoints me about this scenario is that Joe Lowe is an amazing candidate, and very capable of winning (especially if he can get some traction on EB-5 and the Mette case/ foster kids from CHS). Not only that, if Lowe does win, I think he would be a great Governor who would be ready to do the job on day one and his experience with the GOP would make him very prepared to work with Republicans. In other words, Joe wouldn’t be a one term governor.

It also doesn’t hurt that indy candidate Mike Myers will really stir things up with the debates and the conversation leading up to the election.

*My theory gets stronger when you consider the fact that the Dems haven’t put anybody up for the SOS position, even when they have someone as qualified as Wismer. Plus with all the scandals with Gant and him dropping out, you would think the Dems would be ready to pounce on this position in state government.

Nope, seems once again the SD Dems are prepping for the next election instead of the current one, but I certainly wouldn’t accuse them of being ‘visionary’.

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