How appropriate Huether using this KIND of judge to swear him in next Tuesday. Post navigation Election Survey Even Brady Mallory’s suit is welcome downtown SF!
After running that CC operation for so long, I’m sure MMM and the Judge have more than a casual acquaintance with each other…
Why does it take 4 judges to swear in 5 people? Nail Jr. – Huether Simko – Rolfing, Kiley Houwman – Erickson Riepel – Erpenbach
Well I’ll be damned. Are you going, Mr. E?
After running that CC operation for so long, I’m sure MMM and the Judge have more than a casual acquaintance with each other…
And all strippers should be named ‘Charity’ so donations are deductable.
Why does it take 4 judges to swear in 5 people?
Nail Jr. – Huether
Simko – Rolfing, Kiley
Houwman – Erickson
Riepel – Erpenbach