South DaCola

Even Brady Mallory’s suit is welcome downtown SF!

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(Screenshot, KELO-TV)

How sad is it we have to put up signs about this stuff;

This year, you will see a colorful stamp of approval hanging in the store’s window. It is a rainbow sign, which reads, “All Are Welcome Here”. It is one of several sitting in windows, including Mama’s Ladas, Bros Brasserie Americano, and Vishnu Bunny Tattoo, in Downtown Sioux Falls.

“South Dakota does have a perception of being a very conservative community, so, maybe that sign lets them know at least this spot is not that conservative,” Ryan Tracy, Bros Brasserie Americano Owner, said.

The Center for Equality handed out the signs out a few months ago in response to Senate Bill 128. The legislation would have allowed business owners to refuse to work with a gay couple, without getting sued.  The bill failed.

“I thought it was a waste of our time and our money. It pointed out these are the people I don’t want representing me as a voter,” Hentges said.


I am thinking about making a sign that says, “Conservatives not welcome.” Of course, would get accused of ‘reverse discrimination’ but it would be worth watching Steele’s and Wick’s heads explode. Of course, Anette Dinkworth would find a way to put herself in the discussion.

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