Look who is belly up to the trough again looking for tax payer funded incentives;


Promoting the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of the citizens of Sioux Falls

Draft, Meeting Minutes for the meeting held on April 9, 2014

Façade Easement application – YMCA building

Erica Beck (Lloyd Companies) and Katie Krantz explained the YMCA Housing Initiative Limited Partnership project façade easement application in detail. Since it is a corner lot situation, the easement application is requesting funds for two street facing sides of the building. The amount requested is $125,000.  This item was informational only.

FYI:  That would be $125,000 out of a total budget of $200,000 for 2014. So I guess TIF’s are NOT enough for the Lloyd Companies, they must also chip away at façade money, and take over 60% of the budget for one project. I guess others seeking façade money will have to fight over the crumbs and scraps.

Then there is the mysterious DTSF ‘Incubator’ program;

The pilot program has access to $100,000 as part of a former development incentive fund that it will use to award applicants until the funds are gone.

And just exactly where did this ‘fund’ come from? Community Development? Federal Funds? City funds? Property taxes? Private dollars? While I don’t have a problem with the incubator program, it would sure be nice if someone from DTSF would explain the details of the funding.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “More proposed handouts DTSF to those who really don’t need it”
  1. Are there others seeking the facade money? In a typical year, do requests vastly outpaced the funds allocated? Those are honest questions, and I would think they’re relevant to the discussion.

    Also, you can’t fault the requester for asking. You can definitely fault your city council for saying yes, especially if the funds are high-demand and there are other meritorious proposals.

  2. DT funding. Curious funding to say the least . Took my lab for a walk DT yesterday. Walking south from the falls, we first reached the baptismal steps of Charapa. Polly was offers a drink of the mighty Sioux but graciously declined. I think she still recalls her last gulp of the goop. Then it was on to Hilton Gardens. We decide to climb the steps to nowhere and gaze upon the “public” fountains. What the hell did we pay for that fiasco again. We then walked directly south of the fountain of youth and ran into the DNA parking lot. And this is a PUBLIC enterprise??? Yeah….RIGHT.

  3. Poly, your delightful story brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful day for you and your lab. lol

    What a waste of our money to benefit people who don’t need the help.

  4. Poly43,

    As you were standing on the baptismal steps of Cherapa, did you gaze across the mighty Sioux River to the west?

    If you did, you would have noticed the new quartzite amphitheatre provided by the taxpayers on the West Bank belonging to Raven Industries.

    More commonly known as:

    TIF District #13

    TIF 13 was created in 2011 to support public improvements as part of Raven Industries’ major investment in a headquarters facility in Downtown Sioux Falls.

    It’s called MMM’s and the City Council’s work-around to the River Greenway Project.

    And, BTW, this is the stretch of the river where over eight million TAX dollars have already been spent on the east bank between 6th and 8th Streets!

    Total estimated cost of the River Greenway Project: 36 million dollars.

  5. T-V,

    Was wondering about that raven thing. Pretty much as I suspected tho. Troubling. Very troubling. I’m an environmentalist kinda guy. This bothers me. Another dacola entry of mine from 3 years ago.

    7/15/11 • The City of Sioux Falls announces that the Downtown River Greenway Project will receive funding made available through the Big Sioux River Environmental Trust Fund.

    The order authorizing the full expenditure of the fund was signed by U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence Piersol after receiving the necessary approvals from the counties of Minnehaha and Lincoln in South Dakota and Lyon County in Iowa. The fund, established in 1996, was created in a settlement with John Morrell & Co. for environmental infractions and is estimated at approximately $1.9 million.

    The funding will help pay for improvements downtown along the Greenway between Sixth Street and Tenth Street. The improvements are designed to provide greater public use and access to the river while also providing water quality improvements and reducing pollution in the Big Sioux River.

    From a reader; Poly43

    Phase I is much more than just blocks and concrete for yet another amphitheater. 5.1 million was allocated for Phase I of the project (between 6th and 8th street) 3.3 million of that was supposed to go towards items that are ENVIRONMENTALLY related. I fail to see how tons and tons of concrete between 6th and 8th street is environmentally related.

    And I find the settlement money even more troubling. The city says the 1.9 million in this trust fund is going to be used for improvements from 6th to 10th street. Huh? As I recall, the taxpayer funded 5.1 million was supposed to be for improvements from 6th to 8th street. Another 3 million, of which this 1.9 million is part of, was originally intended for Phase II from 8th street to 10th street.

    About that 1.9 million dollars. That is money from a settlement with John Morrell for polluting the Sioux River back in the ’90′s. It is called “The Big Sioux River ENVIRONMENTAL Trust Fund.” It was established in 1996 by court order. The money was to be used primarily for these 3 reasons.

    1. Reduce pollution along the Big Sioux River.

    2. Identify continuing sources of pollution along the Big Sioux River.

    3. Develop and implement strategies to reduce and/or eliminate pollution along the Big Sioux River.

    How does a heavy concentration of concrete along a small stretch of DT meet these ends?

    The intent of the use of that 1.9 mill was clearly laid out in the 1996 settlement. It is called The Big Sioux River Environmental Trust Fund for a reason. I stated the top three reasons above. Using that money to build concrete and block barriers for stages every 200 feet, or two pedestrian walkways within 100 feet of the 8th street crossing does not meet the environmental smell test IMHO.

    IMHO bringing the 1.9 mill into play now BEFORE the 6th to 8th street phase is even close to completion says one thing. A while back finding bedrock for phase I added a mere 1.4 mill to the cost. Just another cost overrun. Something this city knows real well. Is this “environmental” trust money being used to finish phase I, or will it be used to turn 8th to 10th street into a
    concrete jungle? GREENWAY project? Yeah….right.

    That was three years ago. Today, my dog won’t drink that shitwater, and that environmental money is cement pads. F’n disgusting.

  6. A common denominator for this waste is Lloyd. There’s no competitive bid process. For every city project Lloyd Companies are involved. You’ll get your TIF if you use them as contractor.

    The root of this evil is Home Rule Charter. Once you (the people) with your vote gave the mayor absolute power in 1994, Munson laid the foundation for a defined dictatorship. In came Huether who eliminated competitive bidding in favor of a defined exorbitant bid contractor. Then, they needed projects. Along comes expensive foolishness that the citizens don’t need or want. By 2018, this city will be amidst the biggest growth corridor in the nation. It will be in default with more debt than Detroit. Infrastructure will be inferior but we’ll have indoor swimming and tennis. The homeless population will be a disgrace. They’ll reside downtown amidst fountains and granite steps. Bankers and politicians can view them from windows at a five star hotel.

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