South DaCola

More proposed handouts DTSF to those who really don’t need it

Look who is belly up to the trough again looking for tax payer funded incentives;


Promoting the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of the citizens of Sioux Falls

Draft, Meeting Minutes for the meeting held on April 9, 2014

Façade Easement application – YMCA building

Erica Beck (Lloyd Companies) and Katie Krantz explained the YMCA Housing Initiative Limited Partnership project façade easement application in detail. Since it is a corner lot situation, the easement application is requesting funds for two street facing sides of the building. The amount requested is $125,000.  This item was informational only.

FYI:  That would be $125,000 out of a total budget of $200,000 for 2014. So I guess TIF’s are NOT enough for the Lloyd Companies, they must also chip away at façade money, and take over 60% of the budget for one project. I guess others seeking façade money will have to fight over the crumbs and scraps.

Then there is the mysterious DTSF ‘Incubator’ program;

The pilot program has access to $100,000 as part of a former development incentive fund that it will use to award applicants until the funds are gone.

And just exactly where did this ‘fund’ come from? Community Development? Federal Funds? City funds? Property taxes? Private dollars? While I don’t have a problem with the incubator program, it would sure be nice if someone from DTSF would explain the details of the funding.

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