May 2014

One of the best public inputs I have ever heard at a SF council meeting


I have to admit, I know there are (small) business owners in our community that are very intelligent and can see through the ‘smoke’ of the city, especially the directors and departments. Here is a great example;

While I am on the fence about ‘Pawn Shops’ and regulating them, what I love about this testimony is that ‘Linda’ from Sunset Pawn points out the poor and misleading testimony from city employees. It is so intriguing, I have watched it 4x.

(Public Services Meeting, FF:42:00)

Her comments about ‘big numbers’ cracks me up, as much as her statement to the councilors ‘I feel sorry for you.’ in reference to being fed BS from city employees.

This isn’t some raging, angry women. It is a well thought out testimony in a very polite delivery.

Councilor Anderson was even wary about cutting her off.

Linda needs to run for mayor in four years.


The mayor’s bullying at SF City Council meetings


Let’s just say for now, I am done talking about the indoor pool. To tell you the truth, I was never to concerned about the pool itself as I was about the process. I think the process was handled horribly, before the election and right up until the council vote to approve the facility, and that’s what I want to talk about.

This wasn’t the first time that certain councilors and the mayor have bullied other councilors at meetings. It doesn’t matter what the agenda item or topic is, I feel that there should be a thorough discussion on EVERY agenda item. Let’s face it, the council makes some pretty important decisions about our money, they should do their jobs as our city’s legislature and study each expenditure very carefully.

What does this mean? It means that sometimes a lot of questions need to be asked, and that means there are NO time limits on this questioning. I have never found anywhere in the city charter that says the council has to finish their meetings at a certain time. They are certainly entitled to a recess if they are running long, or they can also defer agenda items to a later meeting, but this current trend of limiting public testimony and even limiting questions a councilor can ask has to end (I think the longest council meeting I watched was over 4 hours long).

Let’s take Tuesday night’s meeting as an example. It wasn’t the first time the Mayor cut off councilor Staggers and called a vote, it was even worse because councilor Rolfing leaned over to Kermit’s direction and said, “You have talked enough.” And as Staggers was trying to talk and being bullied by the mayor, the city clerk, DeniseTucker continued the roll call vote before anything was resolved between the mayor and Staggers.

First off, Denise fails to know who she works for, she is council staff, not the mayor’s. She should have suspended the roll call until Huether and Staggers resolved the testimony issue. Secondly, the meetings are called ‘City Council meetings’, not ‘The Mayor’s city meeting’. These meetings are legislative sessions for the council. The mayor is a part of that body, but he is only there to break ties. Besides being obviously rude and disrespectful to his fellow elected officials, the mayor is negligent in allowing the council to perform their respective duties when he bullies and censors them.

The irony of all this is that the council will spend hours each year scolding and publicly embarrassing business owners over failing alcohol compliance stings (something that doesn’t affect the city budget that much, and is mandated by the State) but when they are spending almost $20 million of our tax dollars, suddenly there must be a limit on the time it can be discussed.

Does councilor Staggers carry on sometime? Sure. Is he repetitive in his questioning? Sometimes. But I didn’t feel he had did either of these things Tuesday night. This was an important vote, it needed to be vetted fully. If I were in his shoes Tuesday night, I would have walked out on the vote, and not came back to the meeting until the mayor gave him a public apology. I was also disappointed in the council for allowing the mayor do this to him. Not one single councilor defended him.

I think there is no hope for the mayor. He is used to being the school yard bully at his previous job so he continues to do it as mayor. The NEW council needs to seriously look at changing the city charter/ordinance so that the mayor is not running these meetings anymore. He can sit in the audience in case he needs to break a tie or testify to a specific item, but he shouldn’t be running these meetings like a dictator.

Am I happy we are building an indoor public pool. Not really, but the community wants it, so it was inevitable that it would get approved. But the process that was used by the mayor and some city directors and councilors was abhorrent and possibly against state election laws.

If I was an indoor pool supporter, I would be embarrassed of how this pool got approved. Very embarrassed.

The Legacy of Councilor Diamond Jim Entenman


While I was trying not to gag watching Dean Karsky hand out ‘trophies’ to the outgoing councilors Tuesday night, I thought to myself, Jim certainly wasn’t getting his award for perfect attendance. This got me thinking about Jim’s one and only council term.

I found it a bit ironic that Jim had to vote on the indoor pool Tuesday night at his final meeting because he has been ‘working’ on this project during his term. Remember, it was very important that Jim voted on this, yet his attendance record over the past four years was less than stellar. In fact, just about every year he would miss almost an entire month of meetings for his family vacation stint in Mexico. Apparently there wasn’t anything ‘important’ for him to vote on when he was in Mexico. He also had a habit of skipping many committee meetings. It seemed over the past four years, DJ only showed up when it was ‘important’ to him.

Make no mistake, DJ served on the city council for DJ, his friends and family, and Sanford (which he sits on the board of trustees), NOT for you and me.

In his four years here are some of his ‘accomplishments’

  1. Always voting YES on property tax and fee increases
  2. Created the BID visitor tax (which goes directly to the CVB for marketing). While I am not opposed to this tax, I can see room for abuse, I also don’t see ‘creating’ a new tax as an accomplishment, but Jim has mentioned publicly several times it was something he was proud of.
  3. Pushing for the Events Center and incurring a $180 million/30 year debt on taxpayers instead exploring other funding sources.
  4. At his final official meeting, approving spending infrastructure debt repayment money on recreation.

Well, I guess I would be hard pressed to say that DJ hasn’t accomplished anything. He has been very effective at raising taxes and incurring more debt on the citizens of Sioux Falls. Anything for a better quality of life for DJ and his 1%er friends.

I would love to give my own DaCola version of a trophy to DJ, but I couldn’t find any local turd polishers.

The final word on an indoor pool at Spellerberg: The city cheats at the game

A brief timeline of events:

A petition drive was successful to propose an outdoor pool replacement at Spellerberg park. The opposition, CS365 has had 7 years to raise money for a private/public partnership or start a petition drive of their own since the indoor pool vote failed at Nelson park. They have done NOTHING except beg the city to build them a pool to be subsidized by ALL taxpayers whether you use it or not.

An aquatics study done by an independent contractor suggested a centrally located indoor pool at Spellerberg (ironically the next pool that needed to be replaced and probably the only reason this site was picked). It also said that the Sanford Sports complex would be a good location. The same report also mentioned that an indoor pool at Nelson park would have been a mistake, due to ground water issues in the area that may have caused issues for an indoor pool building. Good thing the indoor pool was voted down there, it could have ended up costing taxpayers millions in upkeep and maintenance.

The city spent $46,000 of taxpayer money before the recent municipal election to provide drawings of an indoor pool that wasn’t even on the ballot, misleading voters.

The city did several taxpayer funded meetings about Spellerberg and indoor options before the election (which was probably a violation of State election laws).

Incorrect ballots were sent to Central District voters by the auditor’s office. The county has asked for an investigation. The SYN group has also asked for an investigation of misleading ballot language.

The ballot language had a date typo and misleading language which prompted a court hearing a day before the election. As a witness for the city, the SOS, Jason Gant admitted that the city did not have to have a complicated and wordy 17” ballot and could have used the standard 14” ballot because state law only requires you name the title of the initiative on the ballot. When further asked if he would have had a ballot with this much language on it, he said ‘No’. But the city can do what they want, since they handle their own elections. The 17” ballots caused complications with tabulation machines.

After the election many admitted they weren’t sure what a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ meant. The meetings, drawings and misleading ballot language confused voters on election day. 70% voted No to an outdoor pool at Spellerberg, but many people who voted NO have mixed feelings about an indoor pool at that location, or what they were even voting for or against.

CS365 claims that the election was a mandate to build an indoor pool at Spellerberg, BUT;

  1. There was not an ‘indoor pool’ on the ballot
  2. There was not enough funding set aside for an indoor pool in the budget before the election
  3. CS365 used a ‘push poll’ before the election as evidence people want an indoor pool at Spellerberg

I have no doubt people want a community indoor pool, I’m just not sure they specifically want it at Spellerberg, and with that location, there is issues;

  1. A quit claim deed with the VA which could be preventing the city from getting a bond for the pool.
  2. Using levee debt repayment to build a recreational facility (This money should be used for drainage and infrastructure) which is extremely fiscally irresponsible and not PRUDENT.
  3. Traffic issues, park congestion, parking.

What is the alternative? Sanford has offered to do a study, give the city the land, offer a donation towards a public indoor facility, and the best part of it all is that it would be built at a location that already has the infrastructure in place, parking and host to other athletic facilities, such as tennis, hockey, basketball, football, wrestling, etc. etc.

There are also other issues with the Spellerberg plan.

Councilors Entenman and Aguliar should not be allowed to approve this deal at their last meeting at the end of their terms. Why? If something goes awry with the Spellerberg plan if approved, what are the consequences for these two councilors?

There is a NEW claim that Spellerberg was only meant to be ‘recreational’ and not ‘competitive’ so Sanford can go ahead with their facility. If this is the case, why do so many people complain about the Drake Springs pool being too ‘recreational’ and not having enough room to swim? The indoorers want swim lanes at the Spellerberg location, not just play aquatics. This is a flat out lie.

The other false claim is that the Spellerberg neighborhood needs to be ‘revitalized’. Since when? It’s a beautiful neighborhood that won’t change one single bit if that outdoor pool gets filled in and more greenspace is produced. The indoor pool at that location will literally look like a sore thumb in this quaint and nicely aged part of town. If they are concerned about revitalization there are a lot of other Centrally located neighborhoods that would benefit.

Sanford will probably build an indoor aquatics facility no matter what is decided tonight, so why not just wait for their feasibility study, then make a decision?

As I have said before, don’t care where this is going to be built, at this point I think we all agree the community wants an indoor public pool. It is the process that concerns me. There is no reason we need to ramrod this, it will get done, let’s do it right and without a bunch of smoke and theater