Clean water? Why should we care about that?
Once again the Planning Commission fails to do their due diligence at the meeting last night (FF to Item #5). Maybe I am wrong, but isn’t the job of the commission to analyze the Planning Department’s evaluation and recommendation, ask questions and be a checks and balance of the department?
They were re-zoning a plot from C-4 to Light Industrial because the property owner wanted to build (some kind) of manufacturing facility, which is well within in their rights, they also do not have to disclose what kind of operation it is, according to the NEW Shape Places ordinance. But they were clear, it was manufacturing.
The adjacent property owner wanted a deferral so that a water study could be done since he has drinking water wells, and according to him, the study required by Federal Law before a re-zone or such a plant can be built.
Two commissioners questioned the requirement and voted against the re-zoning. Gaspar and Dunlap. Dunlap even tried to get a vote on deferral so the study could be done and was shot down. Miss ‘Always right, just ask me’ Jesse Schmidt proclaimed that with Shape Places, the property owner can build whatever they want to after the re-zone. Well, gee Jesse, wouldn’t this have been your opportunity to make sure laws were followed by the Planning Department BEFORE you approved the Re-Zone? It’s just a simple water study, not a Walmart storming in. Apparently, Jesse doesn’t seem to be to concerned about clean drinking water, and she sits on the Planning Commission. Pretty scary.
So it moves on to the City Council, hopefully some of them understand the importance of clean drinking water and shove this rezone down the toilet.
From Shape Places….
Light Industrial
Allows large office parks and industrial uses where all impacts are maintained inside…
So why would one need a water study?
Checks and balances in Sioux Falls city government doesn’t exist. It did pre 1994 AD. Departmental echelons exist but they only matter for appearance and pay scale. The only real approval requirement will be the mayor. Everything is his authority. If you entice and can afford him you’re approved.
OSF, it has to do with in case the facility has a chemical spill that the wells will be safe. See while they may be able to build whatever they want on THEIR land, they certainly can’t harm their neighbors property in the process.
Cody and his neighbors have been there since at least 1986. This has been very rural area. They must be allowed some level of control to the changes. It is only right.
The City has messed up the whole process again in a rezone. They must have Walmart on the brain. The City staff classified the 3 homes as vacant / light industrial or something. They also decided the land located at Benson Road and I-29 is in Lincoln County, WTH?
The rezoning is legally not supposed to be allowed without a ground water study. If people are using well water for drinking purposes according to the Water Source Protection Act of 1990 the study must be done.
BTW, why is the City Attorney sitting / fidgeting in the front row of the audience. Also, why is there no city attorney up with the board members advising on the law?
All city depts are now dumbed down. No responsibility to do any thing proper according to established law. They’ll blame the developer and builder
For non compliance if a problem arises from shape places. Jeff Schmitt kept saying developers wrote it to make it easier. I hope EPA and sd dept of natural resources reviews the procedures. These types of procedures could have been worked out a year ago with a 2week review but Schmitt and cooper just had to get it passed to clear the way for Walmart and mmm buds. It didn’t take Sanford long to clear out two complete blocks of houses I bet asbestos surveys were not on the to do list either. Hope they slow down and fix this stuff
Stuckee – asbestos surveys are ONLY required in commercial or industrial demolitions – not residential.
Bruce – are private drinking water wells even legally allowed inside city limits? BTW – native Americans were here since – about 15,000 years ago. Shouldn’t they have had a “say” in what happened to their land?
Please cite the SDCL section -or the City ordinance that requires a ground water study prior to any rezone.
Ruf. A clearance from the state to a contractor may still be needed as the quantities may be over the threshold of construction debris that will be hitting the landfill I see it as a large urban dev project It’s not just one demo it’s 22 units as one project. Generally there is friable and non friable asbestos in these homes. Or become friable depending how they demo It would be good for Sanford to ensure a large urban project doesn’t impact the adjacent occupants in a negative manner. City won’t do it no conditional permitting to even question it I’m sure Sanford would not want claims later if they don’t determine what is in the units prior to demo?
ruf, as stated before, its federal law. BTW, there are thousands of private wells in Sioux Falls and very legal.
here is the info on asbestos and yes mulitple homes in the same area are considered one project when demo is considered. Sure hope the city steps up to ensure the taxpayers are protected,
So – do you have any evidence that a survey has NOT been completed (because – you know -Sanford are just a bunch of unsophisticated inexperienced scofflaw hicks after all – right?)?