South DaCola

The SF Planning Commission, negligent once again


Clean water? Why should we care about that?

Once again the Planning Commission fails to do their due diligence at the meeting last night (FF to Item #5). Maybe I am wrong, but isn’t the job of the commission to analyze the Planning Department’s evaluation and recommendation, ask questions and be a checks and balance of the department?

They were re-zoning a plot from C-4 to Light Industrial because the property owner wanted to build (some kind) of manufacturing facility, which is well within in their rights, they also do not have to disclose what kind of operation it is, according to the NEW Shape Places ordinance. But they were clear, it was manufacturing.

The adjacent property owner wanted a deferral so that a water study could be done since he has drinking water wells, and according to him, the study required by Federal Law before a re-zone or such a plant can be built.

Two commissioners questioned the requirement and voted against the re-zoning. Gaspar and Dunlap. Dunlap even tried to get a vote on deferral so the study could be done and was shot down. Miss ‘Always right, just ask me’ Jesse Schmidt proclaimed that with Shape Places, the property owner can build whatever they want to after the re-zone. Well, gee Jesse, wouldn’t this have been your opportunity to make sure laws were followed by the Planning Department BEFORE you approved the Re-Zone? It’s just a simple water study, not a Walmart storming in. Apparently, Jesse doesn’t seem to be to concerned about clean drinking water, and she sits on the Planning Commission. Pretty scary.

So it moves on to the City Council, hopefully some of them understand the importance of clean drinking water and shove this rezone down the toilet.

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