South DaCola

What does Christianity and Abortion have to do with fair elections?


What is scary about this is that Pat currently serves under Gantless as our deputy Secretary of State. I sometimes wonder where these people come up with their campaign slogans. As deputy, shouldn’t she know what the job of a SOS is? It has nothing to do with religion, God or abortion. It scares the Sh*t out of me that an ideologue like this is running our elections. How would she treat a petition challenge by a liberal Democrat Atheist who was pro-choice? It seems a Republican SOS only duty is to make sure that the opposition party doesn’t get a fair election in our state. What is even more dreadful is that the people of SD continue to vote these kind of people in office (Her challenger, Krebs, isn’t much better).

Yet the Democrats can’t dig up one single person to challenge these yahoos.

The job of SOS is simple, very simple. You must be fair and unbias. That’s it. No one cares what church you go to or whether you like kittens and rainbows. We want to know if you can do the job fairly.

Pat, as a principled voter, your postcard scares me. I will pray for you.




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