
Imagine that, a city councilor actually suggests working with legislators FACE to FACE! (FF: 4:00).

The idea isn’t complicated. Instead of having to pay someone to be our ‘legislative’ person or paying a lobbyist like the Municipal League, cut out the middle man and brainstorm directly with legislators.

Of course Erpenchickenbachbach, says that it is a great idea, but she wants to consult with city directors to see what ‘THEY WANT’ first. Michelle, you are our representatives, you need to ask the voters/taxpayers what ‘THEY WANT’ not the city directors (puppets).


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Councilor Erickson’s sugggestion”
  1. Erpenchickenbachbach, since when do city employees run the direction of our City Council? They are your support employees.

    Since when do our city employees set priorities for the council? For the City? We the people are the ones who set the priorities through our elections of people to offices. When those people who are elected get off track, we can change their course through citizen activism, petitions and voice.

    Erickson is on track. Why do the councilors need a filter to talk to their fellow elected officeholders? Our City Council is our local legislature and should act like one. Imagine face to face time with actual results for us.

  2. Great comment Bruce. Since I’ve been following the council and mmm since 2009 the council except for mmm have gotten to sit back in some type of stupor. Jamison tried Kermit could only say they don’t follow ordinances Erp is the goofiest of them all. They need to rein in Jeff Schmitt and Cooper let the council talk to educated people and watch our elected city goofs embarrass the heck out of us all except for Christine she is a glimmer of hope The council are for the most part the most disengaged group I have ever seen except when money Is loose and they might get some

  3. Christine is starting out just like Erp and Rolfing did. Asking a lot of questions, making great PRO-Citizen suggestions and actually trying to push a council agenda and legislation instead of a pro-mayor agenda. Christine will soon find out that the mayor is King and once the bond makers, developers and attorneys in town get her cornered, her suggestions will end, and she show up to the meetings ready to go with her rubberstamp. As for Kiley, he was already whipped into shape before he even turned in his petitions to run. Yes Master, Yes Master, Yes Master.

  4. It is already quite clear that Councilor Kiley is right out of the old Erpenbach-Entenman-Karsky-Rolfing mold!

    Can’t wait to start seeing how Erickson and Kiley cast their votes….that will tell the real story on where they stand when it comes to representing SF citizens vs. rubber stamping the mayor’s agenda.

  5. The value of a lobbyist is that you have a consistent point of contact who learns the ins and outs of the legislature as an institution and can build relationships that help the city accomplish its agenda at the state level.

    And as someone who sat on the legislative side of this process, a good lobbyist is worth their weight in gold.

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